'O believers! When you converse privately, let it not be for sin, aggression, or disobedience to the Messenger, but let it be for goodness and righteousness. And fear Allah, to Whom you will all be gathered.
Secret talks are only inspired by Satan to grieve the believers. Yet he cannot harm them whatsoever except by Allah's Will. So in Allah let the believers put their trust.
Secret talks are only inspired by Satan to grieve the believers. Yet he cannot harm them whatsoever except by Allah's Will. So in Allah let the believers put their trust.' -Surah Al-Mujadila 58:9-10
Communication Crew: "Sir!
The rest of the fleet is wondering what our next move is?
They are waiting orders from Madame Sheriff."
Jesse James: "We load up the landing crafts with infantry and storm that shore. That water isn't a serious threat, nor is it solid surface. Everyone will get a little wet, that's it."