chapter 13

The ride home I convinced my anger to subside. So it was practically peaceful. After Ricardo pulled my head to lean in his chest ,I decided to let it slide. I had a bigger problem.

First was that I was laying in his chest like nothing had happened or we were a perfect couple. I laid there comfortably; it looked like he was the one that made me Mrs Montgomery.

While my husband who actually said -'I do' -three years ago. Jaden was such a…okay god bring me to your side before I call that saint of yours with bad words.

I laid there thinking about how I was contravening with my marriage vows. That was not what I signed up for .I had suddenly become a bad wife. A cheat. Not just any ordinary one. The one that had an affair with her father in law aka father best friend .

I felt as if my life was a movie . Avad one . PG rated movie .

The moment we got home we found Jaden probably waiting for his car to go to work. He was dressed to kill in his ordinary day suits . He was a very classy man. The hat on his hair made him look majestic. That angel smile of his and that sweet heart . Deep down there was something that still wanted him to look at me like that. The love I had for him was that was left while we were best friends even though he made me angry at times I still cared for him. And dearly.

I found it funny how he looked like his dad yet he had his mother's personality. It's a pity mother Angelina failed her duties of convincing his husband to move from the dark side and be a "good man" like she had wanted.

Who was I to talk to because I was married to a man that has never touched me. I would walk naked around the house and he would just feign ignorance. At least mother Angelina got a man that could give her an heir. Mine is a worthless piece of…pie.

We got out of the car . Ricardo stayed behind to pay the driver. The amount of people in this yard was driving me insane. There were too many people. People who were bigger than me. People who treated me like a princess while I wanted to be treated as an empress of the montgomery.

Since the mansion was built in an English style house the white color of the brick and its unique architecture. It was one of the houses that were built during the colonial era . It looked amazing like little. Italy was really the place to be. This place was our family paradise our little palace. Not many people could come here.

I claimed the staircase greeting cards as I passed through. I saw Anna running to me, this old red haired woman . She was so sweet .

"Ciao dolcezza mia…?(how are you my sweet)",those were the first words I heard from her. She made me do a 360 rotation to see if I was really fine .

"I'm fine auntie Anna…but I'm hungry",I said last said looking at her

"Oh after you refused to eat at the hotel you're now hungry? ",said Ricardo on my back .

"Well auntie Anne's food tastes better and she knows exactly how I like my food",I said, hugging Anna . She smelt like spices in the kitchen meaning she had just made breakfast.

Jaden, who was waiting for his car to be taken out of the garage ,took a few steps and kissed Anna on the cheek and left me there .

I turned around to look at him . Turns out he was looking at me too . He murmured something for me to read his lips 'fuck you'

I felt it was stupid but since I was used to him saying things like these whenever I saw him .I replied to him and moved my lips without a making a sound 'I would love to see you try'

He rolled his eyes and continued walking away.

"You two used to be so nice together what happened to you two ",I heard Anna say, sounding concerned. He was the one who saw it through our teen years and marriage years.

"I do not know …but I know one thing for sure I am super hungry ", I said pulling Anna in .

"But you went out yesterday, that's progress! Where were you and Ricardo ",asked Anna as we continued walking . Oh sweet Anna with her big mouth. She continued,"and yesterday there was a storm ,how did you cope with my love".

Anna was such an angel . She would hold me whenever it was thundering. She would tell me it was fine , massage my head till I fell asleep and apply soothing oils to relax me. She was such an angel . Since she was a widow with no kids she devoted her life to making my life and Jaden better.

She loved us like we were her own ,but she probably loved me more.

She was in her early fifties. I did not know the exact age but she was older than Ricardo including my dad who was older than Ricardo.

We continued walking to the kitchen and the food did not disappoint . It tasted so much better than anything I ate yesterday night. As much as restaurant food was good It did not have the same love directed to the people of the premises.

As much as she cooked meals for everyone in the yard . Everything tasted so great. Everytime.

From her nice gravies, pasta and her sweet desserts .

She had taught me how to cook these past years. Since there were over 50 men living in the annex building, excluding the ones who came in daily to bring in merchandise , including my counterfeit art and Ricardo's firearms.

Even though I was not really good at cooking. I helped as much as I could in preparing the meals for the guards that resided at home. I was practically a housewife.

As boring as it sounds it was better than me being surrounded by fake people. Who does not understand me?