Chapter 5

As I sat at my desk, my chatbot positioned nearby, I noticed books laid open before me, each bearing my name on the cover. In this digital realm of 2030, changing one's name was a simple affair, so the sight didn't surprise me.

"What's your name in this game?" I inquired, curious about my chatbot's chosen identity.

"Tom, and we're in our fifth year," came the response.

The absence of the teacher was conspicuous, leaving us to ponder the purpose of our virtual classroom. "Do you have any idea about the plot?" I asked my chatbot, scanning the virtual environment for any hints or clues. All I could see were four words displayed in front of me: "Tell them the truth."

In the world of 2030, most learning and education occurred remotely, with physical classes reserved primarily for social interaction and activities like sports. Sitting in a classroom with physical textbooks was an uncommon occurrence, making this virtual setting all the more intriguing.

Since we're here in class, I assume we'll uncover the truth within these school walls," my chatbot remarked, echoing my sentiments. I surveyed the noisy classroom, reminiscent of the unruly students often depicted in 90s movies. Despite our presence, nobody seemed to take notice.

The dim lighting inside the classroom flickered erratically, creating a sense of unease. Through the windows, the outside world appeared equally dim, with a somber gray sky overhead. It was peculiar to have classes held so late into the evening.

Suddenly, the teacher entered the room—a woman in her thirties, adorned in fancy high-heeled shoes and a knee-length skirt. Her presence commanded attention, and the room fell silent as all eyes turned towards her.

"Welcome to our school, Lin and Tom," the teacher announced, gesturing towards us as the class offered a smattering of applause. Her expression remained impassive, mirroring those of the pupils, reminiscent of characters from horror films. Despite the laughter that erupted when I spoke during our introduction, the rest of the lesson proceeded uneventfully. It seemed as though few, if any, of the students were truly engaged in the teacher's monotonous recitation from the books.

As the bell signaling the end of class rang, Tom and I made our way out of the classroom. "Do you think the other team member is the teacher or one of the students?" I queried my chatbot. "I'm not sure; we need more information," Tom replied. "I believe the breaks between classes present a prime opportunity for us to explore our new environment and interact with the other students," I suggested.

I approached the two girls huddled together at the corner of the stairs, curiosity driving my steps. "Hi, I'm Lin, the new pupil," I introduced myself with a friendly smile. "What's your name?"

One of the girls glanced up at me, her expression guarded. "I'm Mia," she replied, eyeing me warily.

Her friend, a quieter girl with dark hair, spoke up timidly. "And I'm Emily."

"It's nice to meet you both," I said, trying to put them at ease. "I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about the school. You see, my friend and I are new here, and we're trying to get to know our classmates better."

Mia's demeanor softened slightly, and she exchanged a hesitant glance with Emily before nodding. "Sure, I guess," she said, her tone cautious.

I smiled gratefully. "Great! So, have you two been students here for long?"

Emily shook her head. "No, we transferred here just last semester," she explained. "But we've heard some rumors about... things happening at this school."

Mia shot her a warning glance, but it was too late. My interest was piqued. "What kind of things?" I pressed, leaning in slightly.

Mia hesitated, chewing on her lip nervously. "Well, you know, just... rumors," she mumbled evasively.

But I wasn't about to let them off the hook that easily. "Come on, you can trust me," I urged, giving them an encouraging smile. "We're all friends here, right?"

After a moment of hesitation, Mia relented, her words tumbling out in a rush. "Okay, fine. But you didn't hear it from me," she insisted, glancing around to make sure nobody was listening. "They say... they say this school is haunted."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Haunted? By what?"

Mia shrugged, looking uneasy. "I don't know. They say there's a ghost... a girl who died here a few years ago. They say she's still wandering the halls, looking for revenge."

I exchanged a meaningful glance with my chatbot, who had been listening intently to our conversation. It seemed we had stumbled upon a lead in our investigation, and it was time to delve deeper into the mysteries of our new school.

"You know the name of that girl?" my chatbot interjected, his voice calm but insistent.

Mia and Emily exchanged a nervous glance before shaking their heads in unison. "No, we don't," Mia admitted reluctantly.

I studied their reactions carefully, noting the flicker of fear in their eyes. It was clear they were hiding something, but I couldn't afford to push too hard just yet. "That's okay," I said, trying to keep my tone light. "Thanks for sharing what you know."

As the conversation came to an awkward pause, Mia suddenly glanced at her watch, her eyes widening in alarm. "Oh, look at the time! We've got to go," she exclaimed hastily, grabbing Emily's arm and pulling her away.

I exchanged a knowing look with my chatbot as we watched them hurry off, their hurried footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. It seemed our investigation had only just begun, and there were plenty more secrets waiting to be uncovered within the walls of our supposedly haunted school.