Another Normal Day at Work?

After a long and exhausting day of ranking the massive line of aspiring adventurers, it was finally time to head home. Stretching my body I return the shortsword I had borrowed back to its original place. Bidding Mira goodbye I took my salary for the day which was exactly 2 silver coins. But before heading home, I take a quick detour and browse a few books regarding lightning magic on the local Mage's Haven. (Mage's Haven is a well known shop that has branches all over the continent. It sells a variety of equipment for Mages, wands, staffs, mana crystals and spell books.)

After browsing the store I went on my way and went home. As I reached the front door I immediately caught the scent of burning food? 

"Oh no….. not again!?" 

Running inside the house I caught my little sister trying to cook dinner, and once again, it ended up in disaster.

The chicken she intended to cook was nothing but a burnt mess, along with her putting water on oil, which resulted in a fire. But by the thinnest of margins she managed to not burn down the house.

"My Lady! How many times have I told you! Leave the cooking to me and your brother!"

Sir Eadic said as he once again... scolded Rosaria. 

Sometimes I wonder why I was given this god forsaken sister.

But the two seem to have not realized I was home already. 

"Um... Good Evening?"

"Oh Good Evening my Lord! Forgive me for not noticing you." He said with a bow.


I made the decision to go to bed after finishing dinner as well as a few chores. My sister had one bedroom, and Sir Eadic had the other. In the meantime, I dozed off on the living room sofa. My clothing were sticky from all the dust and sweat from the battle, so I made the decision to wash them and put on another set. I untangled my unevenly tangled scarlet hair while admiring myself in the mirror. I discovered the pendant my father gave me was filthy after taking off my shirt. I took it off and quickly washed it.

It appeared to be brand-new despite being roughly centuries old. A ruby was set into a thin layer of gold, which hung on a gold chain. A sword with a crown dangling from its crossguard was engraved on the red gem.

My family represented by this. A great line of monarchs who were lost to us after the Split. My uncle, with whom we had a close relationship, unfortunately, was one of those who benefited from the disaster.

The man I believed to be a role figure, a family member, and a reliable companion turned our people against us with a single simple lie. Stabbed my father in the heart with a dagger. While my mother, who had given herself over to a dozen attackers, shortly perished, giving me, my sister and Sir Eadic just enough time to flee...

The motive for this act of treachery was supposedly because they were tired of the Monarchy. But for my uncle, it was completely different, the most obvious reason was because of jealousy. Since he wasn't part of the main branch of the Royal family but a member of one of the many side branches. After all, my family was over 18 generations old. The first King of Syndis was Neo Syndis, the first great emperor of the continent of Verlassen. 

"But enough of that for now!" I said to myself, soon after taking a quick rinse, I made the decision to return to the couch. I had a thought when I was lying on the unpleasant pillow. What if I reclaimed what was rightfully mine? No, better yet! What if I established a brand-new kingdom? And I would seize what was meant to be mine after I had built up my dominion!

I give myself a good laugh, that would be impossible, it would take years to develop a small town, a whole kingdom at that! After a few more minutes, darkness took over and I fell asleep.


It was the next day, I had just finished lunch and was heading out to the Guild. Apparently the line had gotten pretty long despite it being an hour before they usually open. So a messenger came to my house and reported the problem, they wanted me to come early since they don't want to cause a possible problem. 

Putting on my studded leather tunic and wearing it with fabric leggings and boots. I then grabbed my spear, which was a little worn but still functional. Sir Eadic gave it to me for my 15th birthday; it had a very smooth steel point, a hardwood shaft with Dwarvish letters, and an iron butt that balanced the spear.

I hurriedly went to the examination arena. Checking the line it was indeed longer than usual, especially during this time. 

As I headed down the stairs to the arena, I noticed the first three examinees. They looked very….. noble like? I mean, the two smaller examinees had robes that made every other mage's robes look like rags. While their taller companion had full chainmail armor, excluding her head. He looked like he was around my age, while the other two looked to be 14-15, around my sister's age. They looked like twins, both have orange hair and black colored eyes. 

As I got closer, the older of the group decided to speak up.

"Hey you, are you the examiner?" 

But what I didn't expect was that... It was a girl's voice.

Wait let me clear my mind first, I might just be hearing things.


"I said, are you the examiner?"

Yep I didn't hear it wrong, she's a girl.