Bo Jaesang closed his eyes tight, his fists tighter, as he entered the doors of EASY Entertainment. He wore a shabby suit his father had lent to him. It was two sizes too big, due to Bo Jaesang still being underweight. He had been gaining weight due to ending his trainee career and had never felt better. His brain felt as active as ever and he loved eating freely without consequence.
He rolled the sleeves up so his wrists were ever so slightly visible, and took a step through the doors of the three story building. A modernized front office took him in, about five or so staff passed by, catching the shrunken Bo Jaesang with their glances with laptops and paper in hand.
He walked up to an empty front desk, looking at his surroundings before pressing a small bell. In seconds, a man of a similar height to Bo Jaesang, but definitely with a puffier face, sped walk over to see him. There were long eye bags under the receptionist's eyes, a small bag of office supplies and a photocard holder hanging off her lanyard.
When the man, who looked to be in his late thirties, made eye contact with Bo Jaesang, his smile grew as if he recognized the younger.
"Oh! Are you here for the 4:30 interview?" The man asked, putting down the objects but never sitting.
Bo Jaesang nodded, getting a better look at the name on the lanyard, along with the photocard acting as a keychain beside it.
Team Leader Changmin.
Were they so understaffed they had to use their team leader's as receptionists? Bo Jaesang was beginning to understand why he got passed for an interview so fast.
"Follow me, the meeting room should be just down here." Team Leader Changmin spoke with relief in his voice.
Bo Jaesang nodded, following the obviously busy team leader yards down a short hall. A meeting? He questioned how many people would be there… He hoped not too many.
"I'm sorry, I thought you were a trainee or something, you're so handsome and slim." The team leader complimented.
Bo Jaesang's chest stung at the remark, but he could only muster a fake 'thanks'. If he wanted this job, he had to not let his past get to him. He was here now, whether Ryeo Hyun was his friend or not, he would have to put his effort into getting this gig. He didn't want to freeload off his parents past 25, if he did, he would feel like a failure.
Eventually, Bo Jaesang was met with a door. The team leader welcomed the younger in, while holding the door.
Bo Jaesang bowed slightly and walked into the room made of possibly the coldest air he'd ever faced. Maybe it was just the nerves, though, because a low heat rose in his face when he was met with not only one person, but three.
The meeting table sat at least 12, but all the end of the table is where they congregated. In fancy, well-fit suits, and with papers in hand. The caps were off the pens and ready to write.
Bo Jaesang did a better bow for them, looking up with nervous expression, he began his pre-prepared intro.
"Hello, seniors, my name is Bo Jaesang. Thank you for having me today." Bo Jaesang spoke with the most proper voice he could manage.
He then went to shake every hand of the higher ups.
The team leader he had just interacted with, an instructor of sorts, and then the scariest person in the room, the CEO. CEO Park greeted Bo Jaesang with the widest smile, however, much to Bo Jaesang's had many stars and questions pre-written.
Bo Jaesang quickly sat down in a seat that had already been pulled out for him.
"You don't need to be so tense," The instructor, Emily Choi(?), "Please relax with us, you were one of our favored candidates."
That surprised Bo Jaesang, he had no experience listed on his resume but his trainee life, survival shows, and his graduating from middle school and highschool.
"Thank you, senior." He blushed.
"Yes," The Team Leader butt in, "I think to truly be able to meet the needs and know what's best for the group or actor you're managing, you must be able to relate to their early career struggles."
CEO Park nodded, "Yes I agree. The group in question is made of mostly large company trainees, so someone who knows the signs of sickness and when situations are tense is very important to the wellbeing we want to keep for our idols."
Bo Jaesang had never meant a CEO so humane. Xe's CEO tossed Bo Jaesang around to each and every show he got his hands on and booted him without a care for the debt Bo Jaesang had grown so young.
He nodded, truly feeling comfortable that Ryeo Hyun was in good hands.
"The things we would expect of you is to manage their diets, organize their schedule in a timely manner so they know what's going on and what they're doing next, most importantly getting them to everything in time, and most importantly being respectful and managing their conditions as best as possible." The CEO went on, "Can you tell me some of the things you consider signs of health issues in an idol? The details can be vague if it's a little bit hard to say."
Bo Jaesang nodded, "Yes. Memory loss is very common when the person overworks themselves without a break for a week or longer. In terms of malnutrition, bruises being easily formed during dance practice, losing hair easily during hair appointments, and a lack of breath during vocal practice."
He waited for a nod of approval before continuing.
"Let's say a staff member of a shoot is making inappropriate advances towards a member of the group. If the member doesn't express it you can tell by getting to know the member." He had stopped himself from basing this supposed idol on Ryeo Hyun multiple times. "This can be between conflict groups and the group too. You want to get to know every member so they trust you enough to open up to you about troubles."
Team Leader Changmin smiled at his reply.
"Great. It also says here you trained with our Ryeo Hyun-ssi and were on Producer10 with the rest of ASCEND. Were you close?" Emily asked, genuine curiosity in her voice.
Bo Jaesang was expecting to hear malice, suspicion over his relationship with ASCEND, so his pre-prepared replies fell short in seconds.
"I– Yes." He admitted, "I was a close friend of Hyun-ssi, and by proxy some of the others."
The room went silent for a moment.
Bo Jaesang didn't want to look at the three higher ups, he felt like maybe he had lied to them. But the clearing of a throat shut his worries closed.
"So you can say most of the members would feel comfy around you?" Team Leader Changmin asked.
Bo Jaesang nodded after a beat of silence. He hoped that was the case. He didn't know Baek Du-Ho so well, and Joon-woo was always a little uncomfortable around him, but he was close with Ryeo Hyun, and he knew that in the deepest part of his core.
The CEO's speech became softer then, in fact for the remaining hour of the interview, all three of them spoke to Bo Jaesang almost like a colleague. So when he walked out of Easy Entertainment, there was only the childish yet bubbling hope that he would see his favorite friend again.