She glanced at the woman's hand before raising the cleaver high above her head; chopping off four of the woman's fingers in one smooth blow. The woman let out a blood-curdling shriek, writhing and groaning as sobs of pain racked her body.
Her partner shrank into his seat, staring with horror at his partner's bloody palm, her fingers resting on the armrest, only a centimetre apart.
The pain was intense for the woman, making her ready to just about beg for her life if she would abandon her stupid pride. After all, pride wouldn't give you a new set of fingers, nor provide one with a second life.
The blood from the woman's fingers sprayed into the air, coating the front of Nox's white blouse with a beautiful crimson colour. It was a nice shade of red, especially for a creature so irritating. Her violet eyes were passive, unbothered by the blood that spattered on her collar and shirt. She looked at her handiwork, a Sadistic glint in her eyes.