Flashback (3): The One Night Mistake

"Don't overthink it!"

"I did this for Nicholas Zhao, my friend!"

Olivia clenched her fists. She was still furiously remembering Aaron's damn face, so cold and arrogant. What kind of man was he? Was his heart made of stone?

Lilly and the others had gone home. However, Olivia decided to stay at the club because she wanted to drink alone and vent her frustration about that damn Aaron.

The problem was not over with her beloved brother. Yet, another astral being had come to ruin her day.

She felt reluctant to accept the project if it meant being insulted and demeaned. She would rather find another investor.

"Damn it! Why did they offer so much money?" Olivia shouted, raising her fist in the air. The bartender and some men around her shook their heads.

"If only he hadn't changed his name, I wouldn't have been fooled!" she exclaimed again, clawing at the air. But the next moment, she felt her hand hitting something hard.

When the woman turned, her hand was actually on a slippery and shiny object. Like someone's head. And it was indeed someone's head.

"I—I'm sorry," Olivia said in fear as she looked at the fierce face of the owner of that head. Olivia then searched her purse and looked for some cash that was there. Her hand was trembling. "Are you hurt? I—I will cover the medical expenses—"

However, Olivia didn't finish her words as her hand was grabbed by the angry bald man. "Do I look poor to you, darling?"

Olivia became even more frightened. She tried to free herself from the man's grip. Then she bit the man and ran away as fast as she could.


Olivia ran down the hallway. She knew the bald man was still chasing her. Olivia kept running until she bumped into someone.

The person she bumped into was a man. Because the bald man was chasing her, Olivia's intoxicated subconscious instructed her drunken lips to immediately kiss the man in front of her!

Olivia didn't know where her mind was at that moment. Why did she end up kissing someone she shouldn't have? However, unexpectedly, the man responded to her kiss, pressing her against the wall and devouring her lips.

Hot! Olivia felt her body burning up.

Olivia didn't know what was happening within her anymore. She just went with her instincts, venting her frustration and confusion about what to do with Amelia and her secret feelings for Nicholas.

That was all Olivia remembered from that night. She managed to escape from the bald man. But in the morning, she woke up to an even more terrifying reality.

She woke up, completely naked, in the embrace of a man.

To make matters worse, that man was Aaron! Nicholas' close friend!

Frantically, Olivia tried to avoid a confrontation with Aaron. How did they end up in bed together?

"Oh, my God! What should I do?" Olivia ran her hands through her disheveled hair.

She was so drunk last night. Did Aaron take advantage of her?

"He's a scumbag! He must have taken advantage of me."

"What did you say?" Aaron's sudden voice startled Olivia. She turned and found the dark-haired man sitting up. His brown eyes stared intensely at Olivia. "Don't you see these marks on my body?"

Olivia was shocked to see so many fresh hickeys on Aaron's body. She checked herself, and there were no traces of kisses except around her breasts. It was clear that she was the one who initiated the attack on Aaron last night.

"Okay! I'm sorry!" Olivia quickly got out of bed and picked up her scattered clothes. She hurriedly got dressed, wanting to leave the wretched hotel room.

"Remember, this was just a mistake last night and it doesn't mean anything for both of us. Okay?" Olivia's eyes widened, seeking assurance from Aaron that he wouldn't say anything to anyone else. "No one should know about this except us."

Aaron remained silent for a moment, his face hardening. "Do you think I'm proud of doing it with you? No one wants to admit such a disgrace."

Olivia grew even angrier. Clearly, Aaron enjoyed it last night. A disgrace, he said? She then threw a pillow at Aaron before storming out of the hotel room.

Meanwhile, Aaron's face showed a troubled expression as he gazed at the bloodstains on the white bedsheets. He didn't expect Olivia to still be a virgin. And why did he have to be the one to take her virginity, his best friend's girlfriend?

"What has Nick been doing all this time? Why didn't he touch Olivia at all?" Aaron muttered restlessly. "Was he just inviting Olivia to read books in the library?"




Olivia cried all the way down the street. She had been preserving her virginity all this time because she had promised to marry Nicholas.

Why was her lover so obsessed with old-fashioned things?

The woman stopped briefly at the pharmacy to buy the morning-after pill. She couldn't bear to go back to the hotel and ask Aaron if he had used protection last night or not.

She couldn't stand the sight of Aaron's face again.

What would she say later if she missed her first night with Nicholas and he realized she wasn't a virgin anymore? There was no way she would answer that she had spent her first time with Aaron.

"Hey, Nick! I'm not a virgin anymore because I accidentally got drunk and lost my virginity to Aaron."


The woman felt frustrated! Extremely frustrated because she hadn't done it first with Nicholas. Why did she let her boyfriend read books and be busy with his laptop all the time? She should have attacked Nicholas at least once during their relationship.

However, at that moment, Olivia became aware. She understood more and more that she still wanted to be with Nicholas no matter what. Just because Amelia had feelings for Nicholas didn't mean she had to break up with her boyfriend.

Maybe, at this point, Amelia was just experiencing first-love problems gone wrong. Later, when she grew up, she would find her own path to love.

Now, Olivia's task was to explain to Nicholas when he found out she wasn't a virgin anymore. Perhaps she would say that she accidentally lost her virginity while getting hurt and climbing a tree. Or had she accidentally had a one-night stand with a bad boy in high school before dating Nicholas?

Unfortunately, as Olivia was busy thinking about what excuse she would give Nicholas in the future, a month later, she found herself vomiting intensely. She took a urine test and saw two lines on the pregnancy test kit.

"Oh, God! What should I do?"