The Long Stick

"What do you mean, Nick?" Amelia asked, confused. She didn't understand why Nick was so angry with her. She was baffled as Nick, looking furious, pulled out a... long pink stick from the box. Any adult would know what it was. Amelia should have known too, or so Nick thought.

At the same time, Amelia was both shocked and fascinated. She tried to make sense of the situation, connecting the note and the pink toy that Aiden had given her.

With all the intelligence she could muster, Amelia finally concluded, "So... is Aiden upset because I keep bothering him, making him cancel the swim practice … and he's telling me to play with this instead?" She looked at Nick, then took the pink stick and examined it closely. "Can this... satisfy me? How does it work? Magic stick? Will I get smarter after using it?"

Nick, who had been angry, now grew even more furious. He closed his eyes and growled like a lion forced awake from its nap.