Reverse Harem (?)

"Sshh! Listen to me first, I did it on purpose, it ain't 'bout you!" Derek tried to calm Amelia. "I skipped the competition. My little bro's in it, and I want him to win this time."

Amelia's mouth dropped open. "You… what?"

From what she remembered, Aiden was all fired up to win. And why was this brunette guy ditching the finals to chat with her? "This competition doesn't mean anything to you? Just because it's a uni level thing?"

Derek looked more relaxed now. He sighed, "Folks might call this a phase. Sometimes you just get tired and stop doing what you love, thinking 'bout your future."

Amelia nodded slowly. The guy in front of her was gonna be a doctor, not a pro swimmer.

"I've won before, right?" he said with a cheeky grin. He shrugged and added, "Ain't fun no more if I keep winning'."

Hohoho… Amelia grimaced. She shook her head. "I don't agree with you."

"Oh yeah?" Derek asked, intrigued.