A Damsel in Distress

Days passed, and Amelia got used to studying under tight deadlines. She felt more balanced in her life. But lately, bad weather and storms had been hitting, making her uneasy.

It wasn't the dark skies or the rain. It was because she kept thinking about Olivia. Was her older sister okay?

Amelia wanted to hire a detective to find her sister. But she didn't have enough money. Nick only gave her enough allowance for lunch and Uber. How could she pay a detective with so little?

So, she found herself in her dad's office, barging in even though he had an important guest. Mr. Wang had to stop his meeting to deal with his spoiled daughter.

"I need to borrow some money," Amelia said bluntly. "Just a million."

"What did you say?" her dad frowned. "And why should I give you that much?"

"You used to buy me designer stuff without a second thought. Why not just give me cash now?" Amelia protested coldly.