Aiden's Thought

Amelia fell asleep soundly on the couch, head and arms resting on Aiden's muscular thighs. The place was quiet, with only the sound of the dryer running, drying Amelia's clothes, giving Aiden a sense of life in the house.

Dim lights filled Aiden's living room as he sat there with his phone in hand, trying to call Nick. Every call he made got rejected quickly, no voicemail, no explanation.

Frustration was creeping up on Aiden as he tried once more. Finally, in desperation, he grabbed Amelia's phone from the coffee table. Aiden felt uneasy about this, but his concern for Amelia outweighed any awkwardness.

He found Nick's contact on Amelia's phone and hit call. After a few rings, someone finally picked up.

"Hello?" Nick answered, sounding hurried. "Sorry, I'm in a family meeting. I'll be home late. Don't wait up."