Sinful Desire

If he wanted to be honest, Aaron felt real uncomfortable answering Olivia's question right now. But he knew Olivia was just looking for advice, not grilling him.

"I don't know," Aaron mumbled, his face just as sad. "If you weren't pregnant, I might've told you to go back to Nick and keep that night a secret forever, even if it meant carrying that guilt to my grave."

Olivia nodded. So that's what Aaron thought. He wasn't ready to let anything ruin his friendship with Nick. He'd rather be a secret liar for life.

"But now there's this baby. Of course, I'll put this baby above anything else," Aaron said, trying to shake off the guilt. "If you're asking if I'll ever be honest with Nick, well, I can't right now. Maybe someday, when I'm ready, I will."

Aaron swallowed slowly, looking at Olivia. "We can't hide our kid from Nick and everyone forever."