The Umbrella

"That umbrella's from Nick, isn't it?" Aaron asked awkwardly, his eyes turned red as his voice became so stiff. Olivia thought he was lying … covering up something he didn't want to discuss about.

"At least, that's what I thought until your mom said it was hers," Olivia said. She smiled bitterly and glared at him with unfriendly expression. "So, when were you gonna tell me that it was actually yours?"

"Liv—" Aaron's voice was heavy. He rubbed his temples, not wanting to explain. "It's all in the past, no need to argue about it."

No wonder the handwriting on the sticky notes wasn't Nick's neat script but a messy scrawl. Olivia had assumed Nick was in a rush. Who'd have thought it was Aaron's handwriting, borrowing Nick's sticky notes to lend the umbrella to Olivia so she wouldn't get soaked?

But Olivia, not knowing, thought Nick was willing to get drenched and sick for her. She was touched by something that never happened.