Chapter 20: Echoes of the Past

The Marauder cruised low over Delta-4, its thrusters humming softly as it glided towards the hidden depths of the planet. Irfan sat in the cockpit beside Taro, who piloted with his usual swagger, though his attention kept flickering to the silent figure beside him. The rest of the team huddled together in the back, processing the revelation about the ancient weapon hidden on the planet. The stakes had never been higher.

Hina paced the length of the cabin, her mind racing. "What exactly are we dealing with here? This weapon — how can we stop something that's been locked away for centuries?"

Maya pulled up schematics of Delta-4's underground network, projecting it as a hologram. "According to the planetary archives, there are ancient structures deep beneath the surface. If this weapon is there, it's likely well-guarded — maybe by more than just Red Hand forces."

Aria, leaning against the wall, her sword resting across her knees, glanced at Irfan. "You said there's a cost. What is it?"

Irfan, eyes focused on the vast landscape below, spoke without turning. "The weapon is part of an ancient civilization long forgotten by most. They wielded unimaginable power, but it came at a price. Their creation was bound to their life essence, and anyone who seeks to unlock it must offer something equally precious."

"Great," Taro muttered from the cockpit. "So, what? We're supposed to sacrifice ourselves to save the galaxy?"

Hina stopped pacing, her expression hard. "We need answers. Irfan, you've led us this far, but we need to know exactly what we're up against. We don't make blind moves."

Irfan finally turned, his gaze intense. "This is no ordinary weapon. It's called the *Echo Engine*. It doesn't just destroy—it alters reality itself. It can reshape time, erase entire civilizations, and bend the laws of existence. The Red Hand believes they can control it, but they don't understand the forces at play. If they awaken the Echo Engine, they won't just dominate the galaxy — they'll unravel it."

A heavy silence settled over the team. Even Taro stopped joking. The weight of Irfan's words hung in the air, pressing down on them all.

Maya spoke softly, her voice steady but concerned. "We've faced impossible odds before, but this… this could be the end of everything."

Hina clenched her fists. "Then we stop them. Whatever it takes."

The Marauder touched down near the entrance to the underground tunnels. The area was desolate, the rocky surface of Delta-4 scarred by eons of conflict. A large cavernous opening yawned before them, like the mouth of a beast waiting to devour its prey.

Taro shut down the engines and turned in his seat. "Well, no time like the present. Let's go steal a weapon that can rewrite reality, shall we?"

The team disembarked, weapons at the ready. Irfan led the way, his presence calming yet foreboding, as if he were a part of the very shadows that clung to the darkened entrance of the tunnel. The air grew colder as they descended, the walls narrowing and the sound of their footsteps echoing in the vast emptiness around them.

As they moved deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels, Maya began scanning the surroundings. "The energy signatures are growing stronger. We're getting close."

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and the walls around them shook. Hina drew her disruptor, her eyes scanning for threats. "Something's coming."

A low, guttural growl echoed from deeper within the tunnel. The sound sent chills down their spines.

Aria unsheathed her sword, her grip steady. "We're not alone."

Before anyone could react, a massive creature emerged from the shadows ahead — a Guardian, its body made of shifting stone and glowing energy veins that pulsed with an eerie light. It towered over them, a relic of the ancient civilization that had created the Echo Engine, and it wasn't about to let anyone pass.

Taro fired his blaster at the beast, but the shots ricocheted harmlessly off its hardened exterior. "This thing is invincible!"

Hina shouted, "Stay together! We need a plan!"

Maya's fingers flew over her console, analyzing the creature. "It's being powered by the energy of the Echo Engine itself. We can't just brute force our way through this."

Irfan stepped forward, his hands glowing with the same energy as the Guardian. "Let me handle this."

With a wave of his hand, Irfan channeled the power of Delta-4, tapping into the ancient energy that pulsed through the planet. The Guardian roared, but Irfan's command over the energy was undeniable. He controlled it like a maestro conducting an orchestra, his movements fluid, precise. The Guardian hesitated, its energy flickering as if unsure whether to attack or retreat.

But Irfan's control was not without cost.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, and his breath grew labored as the strain of controlling such raw power took its toll. "I can't hold it for long. You have to move forward — now!"

Hina didn't hesitate. "Maya, find us a path through!"

Maya's holographic display lit up, showing a route through the tunnel that would bypass the Guardian. "This way!"

They sprinted forward as Irfan continued to hold the Guardian at bay, but his strength was waning. The beast struggled against his control, and its energy began to surge once more. With a final roar, the Guardian broke free of Irfan's hold and charged toward them.

"Irfan!" Aria shouted.

But just as the Guardian lunged, a series of explosions rocked the tunnel. Debris fell from the ceiling, cutting off the Guardian's path and buying the team precious time.

Taro grinned, detonator in hand. "Never leave home without a few explosives."

Irfan, visibly weakened, stumbled but managed to stay upright. "We don't have much time. The Red Hand will be closing in."

Hina nodded. "Let's move. We need to reach the Echo Engine before they do."

They pushed forward, deeper into the tunnel, the air growing colder and the energy around them more volatile. As they neared the heart of the ancient structure, Maya's scanners picked up a massive energy source.

"It's just ahead," she said, her voice tense. "But so are they."

Hina cursed under her breath. "The Red Hand."

As they emerged into a vast chamber, they saw it: the Echo Engine. A massive, pulsating sphere of energy suspended in the center of the room, its power rippling through the very fabric of reality. But they weren't alone.

The Red Hand had arrived first.

A figure stepped forward from the enemy ranks, a man clad in dark armor with glowing red eyes — the Red Hand's commander, a man they had faced before but never defeated. His voice echoed through the chamber.

"You're too late, Hina. The Echo Engine is ours."

Hina's grip tightened on her disruptor. "Not if we have anything to say about it."

The final battle for Delta-4 had begun.
