Volume 0 (28): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 28 : Confederation Meeting Part 1.

The 2 Standard days transcurr swiftly, this amount of time is equivalent to less than half a Hûrngöth Day (4 1/6 human days or 100 hours).

The constant learning and development of the now two Resident Species on the Hûlfhednär Solar Sistem, the D'Kin and the Hûrngöth, had achieve some rapid progress in the creation of an habitat suitable for both.

This Structure is still in the early stages and its location is closer to the Sun in comparison to the remains of Hûlfhednär, the reason is to make the growth of the cultivated flora in the greenhouses faster and efficient.

As well, as for a better nourishment of the D'Kin, with the back up and support of several and different Plasmatic Singularities, distributed and aligned in an array to maximize the effect.

This method was applied to the D'Kin Planet too, so they don't have to leave their Homeworld if they decide not to do it.

Other remarkable event, was the restoration of the Combat Frigate of the Åwlön, the Vessel left back to the territory of its creators with a little orientation from Hûrngöth to cross the Natural Tubular Connection.

Alaney wasn't too happy about it, she wanted to keep studying the Frigate, whatsoever, She and Etessa create a better Slaidt based on Bio-Organic Technology, the former was extremely proficient on this regard before the Unmentionable Brightness wipe out almost all organisms on Hûlfhednär, thereby indefinitely stopping its progress and development.

However, the new Slaidt is a device so much better than the previous one, that there is no point in comparing them, the same is for the first Suits of the same Technology, they were provided to those who are patrolling or are going to the meeting.

The physical appearance of the new Suits are of a dark burgundy more metallic than before, as a triangle pattern is across the surface, being a Siena glowing energy the contour of those figures.

The integrants of the Delegation are Noble Niyeth as the Interim Councilor, Carteon as the Designated Councilor, Duchess Delené as the Delegation Advisor, and Marshack as the Current Sovereign.

The Four Hûrngöth are traveling in the Stream Flow at a Depth of 10 with Marshack's maximum speed, and they will arrive at "Nïvarth", the Capital Planet of the Confederation in a few minutes.

The morning on the Congress's Hangar isn't as quiet and calm as someone could imagine, several spacecrafts are arriving and leaving with high rate in the most distant part of the area, of course, this is due to the security measurements for the incoming meeting.

Two Delegates of the Prinean are already waiting over the pearl white metal floor of the hangar, near the entrance of the building, Designated Councilor Massani and Interim Councilor Lemus.

Both are not using their Primate Traits, which makes their apparency to be really similar to any other Anthropoid wearing a black formal suit consisting of a jacket, long pants, loafers, white shirt and a red tie.

The former of the pair is a Female, the curvaceous shape of her figure is quite the standard on the females of her Species as the 4 four fifths Vul (2.4 meters) of heigh that almost all the adults possess.

The skin is of a lighter cyan, a more vibrant tone is the colour of their hair and eyes, characteristics present across the Prinlot population almost with no exceptions.

‡—Are you sure this "New Species" and potential Member of the Confederation are coming?; Questioned D-C Massani.

‡—We are sure of it; Replied confidently the I-C Lemus, the female remark ‡—The long range sensors on the Defense Space Station have not received any signatures of strange ships, Our [Psychic Awareness] hadn't detected any unknown Entities, and the meeting is going to start in less than 3 hours.

‡—They are coming, we are sure of it, and is just our humble suggestion, but abstent yourself of provoking them, we don't care about your disbelief, we saw what happened, if they want something from us, give it away.

‡—Almost dying has made you incapable of doing your job; The female reproche admonishing his compatriot »‡—Enjoy the lasts days left of your position as Councilor.


The sound interrupts the conversation and they see the responsible, an Anthropoid Mantis of chitinous emerald exoskeleton, glowing amber void eyes exhibiting a predatorial glance from above due to the 12 Vul (6 meters) of height, showing the size difference between the Species.

‡—Simple words to pronounce when you are safe here in the Capital of the Confederation, Designated Councilor Massani …

Express with severity the newcomer »‡—Show some respect to your kind, "You" Interim Councilor Lemus, have the guts to stay for a difficult fight that could lead to countless victims …

The Prinean male remain silent and the Mantis like Entity continue »‡—Why are you so docile in the face of this unknown race?, i do find intriguing that an Entity as powerful as the report said, was willing to help without nothing in exchange.

‡—The "Hûrngöth" i spoke to, mentioned the Ludbarian were their enemys and … ; Said I-C Lemus being interrupted by D-C Massani ‡—Enough … , and you D-A Maw'wldler, is rare to see you outside with so much sunlight in the mornings of Nïvarth.


‡—Twelve possible candidates to become new Members joining the Confederation in their first interaction with us, a lot more with similar intentions and the aspiration for an affiliation or becoming integrants, i want to see if they are worthy of my time before the meeting starts, so i don't interrupt the Empress with meaningless matters.

»‡—And for what i am observing, a lot don't qualify even as mediocre, the rest is still under average in development, a few have some potential but only the Jitaris are a promising Ally …

A flash of light passes through the planet's atmosphere and in an instant, 4 individuals appear in the middle of the hangar.

The Hûrngöth Delegation is employing [Active Adarga] and their Epsidion Trait, having additional feline ears and their tails with two terminations in the case of Neridia and Carteon, and four terminations from Duchess Delené, only Marshack as a male has achieve 3 terminations on his tail, and is showing his Horns and the sturdier legs due to his Róc Trait accompanied by the menacing claws of this part of his body.

The landing generates a lot of force that is converted into aqua green Kinetic Energy that is absorbed by the Hûrngöth.

The Delegation walks towards the Prinean Councilors, the latter introduce themselves performing a traditional greeting of their Species.

Extending their arms upwards in a semicircular movement while levitating momentarily using their Psychic abilities.

Likewise, the 4 Hûrngöth replicate the action, executing it impeccably, this surprises Designated Councilor Massani and impress more the Interim Councilor Lemus.

This applies to the "Mathirn", who promptly attaches himself to the possible conversation that is going to occur in the public reunion celebrated after the meeting.

‡—Excuse my intrusion, I am the Delegation Advisor Maw'wldler, 4th Commander of the Mathirn Empire.

»‡—Welcome to the Congress of Nïvarth, I find myself obliged to issue a request to initiate a diplomatic relationship with a civilization as formidable as your's is Hûrngöth.

»‡—It is an extreme improbability to meet a fellow Species on the path of evolutionary progress, and with immense joy, i must ask again for an opportunity of mutual development.

The Prinean are shocked, the female is quite angry too at the boldness of the Mathirn while I-C Lemus can't have an adequate mental process.

Marshack, as the Current Sovereign, reply stoically at the proposition ‡—We can interact in the Reunion after the meeting, when protocol is less constraining …