Volume 0 (55): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 55 : Twisted Sincerity Part 2.

Thalia keeps struggling, thinking how she should approach her current status on the inexistent relationship that she doesn't have with Marshack, while Oxxana continues encouraging the inexperienced female Fof'blir to take action.

Douglas group get closer to them, while Laira, Dlanesh and Bethzave cross the automatic front door of the store "The Wiggle Steak", almost crashing against the males.

—Step aside!; Demand Dlanesh with exasperation »—Don't stay on the entrance!.

Douglas and Brunán move themselves to clear the path, the displeasure of the female is objectively understandable.

Differently, the Twins look at Dlanesh aggressively and mockingly both state simultaneously —Who cares what you want "Pussy" Smillador!.

The fury of the female flares up, taking out of her hands obsidian Epsidion claws that replace her nails, and with a menacing feline roar she is ready for the battle.

Bethzave and Laira fastly grab Dlanesh arms to impede her friend causes a more severe scene, and the playful voice of Newller helps quite a lot on this regard with his impertinent intromission —Did i miss a lot Narae?.

—Not too much; Replied Oxxana, allowing Newller to embrace her waist from behind, rubbing her buttocks against him due to the thing hug while she tilts her head towards the Gärmshïer, kissing him deeply and tenderly before she points out Douglas with his companions »—Apart of these dudes picking a fight with "Us"!.

The Síler express openly to severate any advances of them while hinting the three female friends are not alone, which is more evident with the arrival of Marshack and the subsequent follow up of Drekdier and his two friends, Katherine and Irithia.

Being outnumbered, the Twins snort, speaking provokingly at unison —What!, the "Pussy" is unable of self-defend on her own?!.

Dlanesh retorts with an aggressive gloating voice —Said the "Pair" that belongs to a Species who beg others to finish a war they start out of greed.

The Twins growls with a clear offensive intention, and when the confrontation looks inevitable, just a second before it starts,

appears a Synthetic Live Form with the shape of a floating black egg, 4 Vul tall (2 meters) and Blue Proto Plasma eyes made by several tiny squares, release powerful translucent psychic waves each instant on every direction.

§ ### Eggarion ### §

Quality 14 ★ Category -4

Species: High Psychic Oggelveid

§ First Year Student §

A not robotic voice comes from this Entity, informing nonchalantly —Fights are not allowed in front of this venerable establishment, "Organics", refrain from such "Brutish" behavior, lastly, who of you is going to carry the specimens bought?.

A grey metallic container with a handler is shown by Eggarion, floating above him, is obvious this container is of 2 Vul (1 meter) per side and is divided on eight cube parts that are extremely heavy due to the variable gravity mechanism that maintains the creatures inside.

Marshack extends his Epsidion tail, reaching the handler, cutting with his motion the telekinetic control of Eggarion over the container.

Not expecting that outcome, the Oggelveid Entity asks out of curiosity »—Your "Name" Organic?.

Marshack reply with disdain —Is not for you to know, much less pronounce, "Synthetic".

Eggarion makes an instant search about what he do incorrectly, knowing the answer in a matter of nanoseconds —I express wrongly my request, accept my apology, how should i address you?.

—As "Bverxkka"; The Apex said in his normal stoic demeanor »—What is your designation?.

—Double Variable In Between Triple Hashtag "Eggarion", i have more work to perform, enjoy your meal Organic Bverxkka.

—I will attempt to do that, your gesture of courtesy is appreciated, continue with your duties Synthetic Eggarion.

The Oggelveid goes inside of "The Wiggle Steak" store and Drekdier comments with astonishment —Wow!, Bverxkka, you are really impressive, is the first time i see an Oggelveid being so respectful, i would even say you make a new friend.

The Apex clarify instantly with extreme severity —Don't mention that sacrilege again!, "It" is way too weak to be considered just an acquittance of mine, "Friends" must be similar or not being too far from each other, if not, they don't qualify as one.

Harsh words that are partially true, and usually, only those with more Age and enough Expirience are able to understand it.

The sentence comes from an adult male, a Gärmshïer to be precise, he posess cooper skin, metallic short hair of the darkest indigo possible with a militar haircut and glowing irises of a green peridot, just like Newller.

His attire is a formal black suit and a white shirt, which are not enough to hide his well built proportional body with a height of 9½ Vul (4.75 meters), a characteristic that doesn't diminish his calm and intelligent but disciplined stance as it does on Callius.

§ Jean-Pierre Hailtmorth Blanchard §

Quality 26 ★ Category 2

Species: Real and Authentic True Gärmshïer

§ First Year Student - Prefect §

—Vice Headmaster Blanchard!; Douglas and Newller said at unison.

He corrects them —I am a First Year Student now, and a Prefect too, were you fighting?.

The answer is evident, so there is no point on nagate it —Yes; Accept Douglas, who look at Newller for assistance »—But, it was for …

—Educational Purposes; Shamelessly state Newller.

—Oh!, can any of you be more specific?; Smirking inquire Jean-Pierre, the two younger Gärmshïer almost sink into despair with his kin clever question.

A Prefect can distribute Demerits between those who break the rules of Barloen College to expell them.

This authority is extended to all its terrains and events related to it, like tournaments and competitions, not only to maintain order in the Main Building or the residences of Barloen.

—Debate of Historical Facts; Marshack stoically reply and Brunán added from his part to make it more believable —Mixed with a … , theatrical representation of a political melodrama.

Everyone here is in deep troubles if Jean-Pierre resolves too dispatch Demerits, trying to middle down the situation by backing up one another is the best solution to avoid any punishment.

All of them are aware of the consequences, so even Bethzave step up, positioning herself in front of Dlanesh and proclaim with serenity —Prefect Blanchard, our activity has gone slightly out of hand, their acting even deceive an Oggelveid while waiting for our party supplies …

Laira aggregates —We are going to be more mindful so no more mishaps occur.

A sigh scapes from the mouth of Jean-Pierre, he knows what they are doing, but maybe this makes them change their views a little bit —Do not let it happen again, and i am going to check your "Party" later on, so all of you better not have illicit substances.

After the warning, Jean-Pierre continues his schedule and Irithia confess —I felt that close, how many Demerits we avoid?.

Marshack is the one that respond —The Twins 52 each, Ladnnia 42 and everyone else 17 for not intervening and stop them … {I could prevent this, but i didn't see the Prefect Blanchard coming until he was too close, i have to learn why and correct this flaw on my [Bicromy] as fast as possible or my labor of protecting others here on the Barloen College is going to be left to the chances of probability, and that is unacceptable}.

—Well, we have a party to throw!; Newller enthusiastically scream while smacking Douglas shoulder with more force than just "Friendlyness" »—Suggestions?, we Gärmshïer do not have any experience on this subject; His voice becomes almost docile »—So be considerate and gentle with us …

Douglas complain separating himself from Newller —There is any need for you to say it like that Viukane?, not everything is related to sex!.

—Bahh!, you sure are a killjoy; State Newller jokingly »—Lets ignore his comments, i don't want my "First Time" to be boring …