Volume 0 (63): Dread for a decadent civilization.

Chapter 63 : Initiation Part 3.

The Gravity Bubble starts to tremble, showing signs of collapse and sending the Team of six individuals outside the ethereal ramifications.

The vacuum of an unknown Layer is the territory receiving them, but the location of the future destination they supposed to arrive is out of their reach, as they are pulled down by the gravity of this Environment.

Oxxana and Katherine are terrified by this, it doesn't matter how decent is the Endodermis Suit provided by the Barloen College, an impact with the speed they have is going to turn them into pulp.

Irithia is slightly taken aback,she is sure the Gravity Bubble shouldn't destabilize until they were on the surface of the Layer.

*—Someone can fly?*; Asks Ényel, that is a good option to get out of this predicament, but the silent of her teammates makes the seriousness of this situation to be heavier as the Gravity Bubble loses its entire integrity, dissipating its own existence.

The expressions in the faces of the female integrants of the Team turns grimm, if it weren't for the Slaidt and the Endodermis Suit, they would have been suffocated by their exposure to the vacuum of space.

Different to the females, Zergirion couldn't care less what happens, at least to him, he is above "Perpetual", a hard hit with high velocity is nothing for him.

However, Marshack instead, simply extend his arms and say *—Grab each other.*

His serenity and detachment calms down Katherine and helps Oxxana to stabilize her thoughts.

Once everyone is physically attached by holding their hands or wrists, the Apex transmitted and share the yellow Personal Shield of the Endodermis Suit to his other five Teammates.

Being enveloped together under the same protection, the Apex manipulates the space around them, accelerating the descend to the surface of the Layer.

Below, there are marvelous hills and valleys, covered by ligh pink grass and dark grey earth that are quite common on the inmediations, as the towering trees of black trunks and pink leaves variegated with red spots and edges, they are more than 120 Vul (60 meters) wide in diameter and surpassing the 900 Vul (450 meters) of height.

Entering the atmosphere of this Layer, generates enough friction against the silhouette of the Team to activate and maintain visible the yellow Personal Shield.

Which is constantly modulated by Marshack so the heat does not cause any discomfort to his companions.

Then, a violent landing should take place on the ground, instead, a superfluous stop occurs, devoid of craters or shock waves, because all the Kinetic Energy provocated by the impact is immediately absorbed by Marshack's body, interrupting the momentum generated by all of them to prevent any harm over his Teammates, leaving the sound of the supersonic shockwave of their incursion to the Layer is far away due to the slowness it possess to reach and hurt them.

With the recovered safety, Katherine stops holding her breath and starts to gasp laudly.

—I thought we were going to die!; Exclaimed Oxxana, she is still startled by this close call, and Ényel confess what she knows —This is abnormal, the Gravity Bubble somehiw got a malfunction, it should have withstand until our landing, and we are like six thousand Vulq (30,000 km) out of course.

—I get us near the designated location; Express Marshack »—We are at 2 Vulq (10 km) of distance, it is my error {The [Bicromy] fail, this is as annoying as it is dangerous, why is this happening?}.

—Error?; Said casually Zergirion »—We are almost on our destination thanks to you, let's advance and later we can Investigate why, how or who provoke the malfunction, intentionally or obliviously.

That doesn't help too much, as Oxxana gets preoccupied by the implie —Why someone would want us death?!.

—Jealousy, Politics, Revenge, the list is long to say it complete, you know Narae; Irithia is no stranger to this assassination attempts, the same goes for Katherine, but she has expirience this way less than the Icyan, and that is due to her Father position as an Ark Count.

—But … ; Oxxana doesn't want to let it go the matter and Marshack cut her off immediately noticing she is not going to stop —It already happened, the result will not change, be grateful that you survived and focus on the task we have been given.

The meaning is tacit, "You are worthless, i waste my time and Energy protecting you, the least you could do to repay this act of kindness, is not being a nuisance".

Or that is what everyone present here understood, because Marshack could probably say it, and if that were the case, he would have said it, but he literally means what he told, word for word without hidden connotations.

The walk over the pink grass is short-lived, as a structure is observable between the trees, a giant dark grey metal Tower in which another 21 Teams are reunited at the top.

—One jump; Mention Zergirion and Marshack acknowledge the estimation with his usual —Indeed.

Forgetting to communicate any warning, the latter grabs the waist of Katherine and Ényel while the former does the same with Irithia and Oxxana.

Both males execute a jump, landing swiftly on the Watchtower, in which they arrival gains them various hostile glances from the other students.

As a heated reprimand from Irithia —Let me go!, look the mess you left in our hair, learn from Bverxkka, see how neat Kath's and Briannell's hair is, and you ruined Narae and mine with one movement!.

—Stop it; Apologetically said Zergirion, just to have a smirk on his face with gloating voice —Stop flattering me, i know that in one movement "I" can rock your world, but there is no need for you to scream it like that, is embarrassing, and winning me a bunch of losers as enemies.

Zergirion turns extremely arrogant »—Not like i care, but is annoying.

—You understand my predicament; Mention Marshack and Zergirion express with joking tone —I was talking in your name Bverxkka, with the unkemptness of my two companions, you and the gorgeous babes at your side attract all the attention, because the view you provide together looks extremely good.

This makes Ényel to blush and separate from Marshack's grasp, Katherine too takes distance, but she is still closer than the Hellaven.

On the other hand, Irithia launches her elbow against Zergirion's stomach, his remark is not toleratd in the slightest because ge was the responsible for her current apparency.

The latter exaggerate the situation, withering in pain at the impact when he wasn't hurt at all, and even lying on the ground, which is used by Oxxana to kick the fallen Playboy.

—Stop!, it was a joke, don't take it personally; Express Zergirion apologetically, but his smirking face gives away his ploy and wins him another round of kicks from Irithia and Oxxana.

—Shouldn't we stop them?; Asks Ényel and Marshack replied —There is no need for that, he can tolerate any damage he receives.

—I can't heal him if he is too injured; Comment Katherine and tha Apex scolds her —Huratan, don't waste your thoughts on him, he is more than "Perpetual", i could destroy his body completely and he is going to materialize himself over and over again, if in one occasion you want to help him, then kill him, that is going to trigger his regeneration instantly, and if this is not possible, take distance, he has to immolate himself to unleash an explosion of Energy to rematerialize again.

The words has no sense for Katherine and Zergirion complains —Hey!, don't say my secrets so openly, is no fair …

Marshack is exasperated and envious of the Playboy —What is no fair, is not needing anything to survive …