Tree Fort

Karl led the group up the ladder and into the large tree fort that Rae had created for them, complete with a nest for Hawk that he was filling with leaves and small branches for comfort.

There seemed to be a number of magical resources in that pile, Karl could sense the energy coming from the pile, but he didn't recognize any of the plants, so Hawk's comfort was worth more than an unknown leaf.

Not every magical resource had a known usage. Some were just plants that held a bit of mana in them, and were either a bit more durable than usual, or longer lived. 

It had only taken a few minutes to make the web fort, which was smooth on the inside, but open like any other net, while there was a sticky and much more tightly woven layer underneath. That would keep the pests out, but it would also let the breeze in. 

That might be undesirable from a temperature standpoint, but for the sense of smell, it was vital.