
Sadly, that might have been the best out of the six proposals, but they only got through four, as two of the others excused themselves to "take a call" and didn't return.

"I appreciate you all taking the time to make your presentations today, and if you will leave a copy with me, I will look them over at a later date, when my time is not so limited, and I can properly consider their merits." Karl informed the remaining four recruiters once the final pitch was done.

"Thank you, Commander. We look forward to your positive response." A young woman, who had tried to sell Karl on spending three days a week being the spokesperson and security chief for their exclusive gated community, replied.

The others offered similar sentiments as they left, and the Green Dragon High Priestess turned a smile on Karl.

"Well, that's the nicest way I've heard to tell someone to go fuck themselves all day." She announced.