Movie Night Interrupted

As Karl had suspected, their night of relaxation was doomed from the very start. They had just finished the first movie when a knock at the door pulled Tessa away from her reading to let in their guest.

"General, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?" Tessa asked as she looked up at the unfamiliar man.

"High Priestess. I have come looking for Monarch Karl. There is an urgent matter that we require his assistance with." The General replied.

Karl sighed, realizing that his night was definitely not going to involve enough cuddling on the couch. But he stood up anyhow and headed for the door.

"General. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Is this a confidential matter, or can you speak in front of the other Elites and High Priestesses here?" Karl asked.

The General shrugged. "It's not secret enough to keep it from the other Elites, as long as you don't mind them knowing your personal business."