Bomgon Fleet

The Bomgon fleet turned when they were five kilometres offshore of the city, and spread out in a wide line, two rows deep.

"They're lining up on the docks." Karl noted.

The demon beside him, who Karl was nearly certain was a prostitute with a baseball bat, nodded grimly.

"They do that. Because they're undead, they can just charge the docks. Water Magic won't slow them down, and they don't rely on the wind."

She took her ridiculously high heels off and carefully placed them on the porch of the Dock Master's warehouse. Then she equipped a patchwork set of stiffened leather armour and a wide brimmed hat with a large purple feather in the hatband.

Remi looked over at her. {That's a pretty good hat.}

The Demoness smiled at her. "Thank you. I'm quite proud of this hat. I don't know what possessed me to volunteer for the Militia instead of running, but if there is such a thing as a perfect time for a good hat, this is it."