
Sure enough, the mage swung the gate open and stared around the compound with an impressed look. 

"Oh, Jones, it's you. How are you doing today?" He asked.

"Jones Junior, are you here to cast the barriers?" The Stonesmith replied.

The slender Dragonkin mage smiled. "Assuming that I can get paid." He agreed.

Remi handed Karl a Mana Jade ring, engraved with Spell Power and Mana Storage runes.

Karl quickly poured mana into it as the Mage watched in shock, then when it got to the Royal Rank limit of the item, he handed it to the Dragonkin.

"I don't suppose that will get us a proper barrier for the house?" He asked.

"I think that it might. I don't suppose that you were looking for an apprentice? I've got one just about to start looking for training in a career, and her mother's a Magic Demon. Quite the skilled young prodigy." The Mage, who looked almost human with whatever disguise spell he had activated, replied.