As soon as he was formally inducted, Davis changed his visible title.
{Davis} Chief Appraiser of the Darklight Host Drodh Branch
{Darklight Host}
That was a pretty cool option.
The others had accepted his invitation and changed their titles as well, and now Karl could see that all of their names had a faint gold outline, marking them as Guild Members, though none of them showed a secondary title with their names, only {Darklight Host} as a guild tag.
No, there was one who had rejected the application. Caretaker Jo did not join. Her name looked the same as always, and when Karl gave her a curious look, she just shook her head.
It seemed she was happy as an employee of the house.
Then, it occurred to Karl that there were actual drawbacks to being a Guild Member. He was a War Champion, but how had he gotten that title? During a Guild on Guild war for control of a city.