Davis was startled to see them back at the house so quickly after leaving. That wasn't long enough for a full clear of the Dungeon at all.
"There is a Guild Cooldown timer, and the beasts trigger it as well. So, we had to wait. But we made a little detour, and found an interesting thing." Karl explained, not going into detail, as there was a customer in the shop, a young warrior with some sort of badge on his shirt.
Karl guessed that it was an employer tag, marking employees of the company. The boy didn't have a Guild Tag, but he did have the look of someone who had seen things that most teens didn't.
That was a look that Karl was familiar with.
He was doing mental calculations, so it was likely to afford one of the cheaper rings.
Karl noticed that there were now Ascended Rank wooden rings in the case, as well as Commander. But Loros had gone in a very different direction than what Karl had been teaching them yesterday.