
Now that everyone was gathered, plus one new addition, Karl began to explain the situation to the rest of the Guild.

"Alright, I will start with the core of the issue, then we can find solutions.

The Lord of Drodh has decided that letting us bulk sell Royal and Monarch Ranked items with combat buffs is encouraging merchants to violate trade agreements and weapons embargoes.

So, he is going to buy all the ones that we want to sell directly. The Overlord Ranked items we don't sell in bulk, and he has agreed to allow them to continue going to auction. We can keep selling Commander Rank items, noncombat items and potions. We can also do custom orders, one per customer per month. That didn't violate the agreements.

So, the question is: What are we going to make?"

Karl paused to let everyone mull over this new information. They had been making combat enhancements for so long, that they hadn't even considered doing something else unless the demand dropped.