Thor's idea gave Cara a great idea. If she made it to Overlord, and then forced an evolution to a form one Rank higher, wouldn't she be an instant Totem? She would win everything all at once.
[You know that getting that far ahead would be problematic for everyone. I am just entering Overlord Rank, we can't have someone shooting ahead to Totem Rank right away.
Not only that, but there are material costs to Evolution, and I don't know what they are yet. We might have to go hunt for treasures.] Karl reminded her.
That sounded pretty good to Cara. There were bound to be new things to see and test now that she was on a new continent.
She still wanted to be a Totem, though. She never did get to boop the Totem Dragon.
While the beasts were contemplating their next advancement, a massive recovery effort was being launched to bring the slain whales to land. Demons with water and gravity magic were working together to pull corpses in.