Rae agreed, she would advance soon, and if this Totem Rank flying whale blood didn't let her fly, someone was getting stabbed.
Of course, she didn't want to use too much of that. She wanted powerful blood, but she had managed to get a drop of ichor from the Undead Lord, and a few drops of the Lord's blood during the last battle when they nearly fell and were wasted on the Sprawl.
She also had an assortment of Overlord Rank Demon blood.
Getting the mix right, with so many types and secondary elements among the Demons, took her hours of sampling, but eventually, she was happy with her advancement bath and began to carefully scrub and preen herself in preparation.
She had only used a tenth of the Totem Ranked Flying Whale's blood, so she had lots left for next time, and far more blood at two Ranks above herself than she had ever used before.