The ladies returned to the house a half hour later, carrying large bags from the same bakery that Karl had gone to for cupcakes.
Tessa walked in to place them in the kitchen, then began to laugh as she saw the massive spread already set out.
"It looks like we all had the same idea. But how did you know?" She asked.
"The advancements sent a Guild Message. So, everyone in the house knew that you would be in the celebration mood when you got home. We have cakes!" Abbie giggled, then gestured to the cold storage room.
Tessa stuck her head in and began to laugh. "Even a spare, just in case one of them got damaged? You really did hurry today."
Karl stepped behind the War Cleric and hugged her. "Actually, we cheated. The crêpe cake that you like, with all the layers and the custard, takes too long to make, so I bought it from the store. They're actually all different flavours.