Leonard's back straightened as he heard this name. 

The Rochester's were one of the, scratch that, the most powerful noble family in Bastion. While the revolution succeeded in bringing down the royal family and instating a republican government, the Rochester's were the family that stopped them going further and getting rid of the rest of the noble houses. 

Supposedly they struck a deal with the revolutionaries, or supported them from the beginning. No one really knew the details, and those who did didn't share, but one way or another the Rochester's ensured the rest of the noble houses got to stick around. 

They were the driving force behind the noble party of the senate, the linchpin around which all other party members gathered. The Vallum Estate had a handful of senate seats at any given time, while the Rochester's on the other hand controlled 50% of all noble party seats. They held unequivocal sway within the senate. 

If they were behind this White Skull Syndicate it became a problem that Leonard couldn't handle in the way he originally intended to. Which was as subtle as a soldier like him could come up with, simply find the locations of these gangs and make them 'forget' about William Solace and his debt. 

However, that was assuming the gang was small to medium sized, while they could be large in number the untrained brutes wouldn't pose much problem to Leonard. Especially after he acquired a gun he could use without restraint. They were gangsters, no one would bat an eyelid if a couple went missing. 

A well funded group like the White Skulls however would surely have greater weaponry and more skilled and trained grunts that Leonard wouldn't dream of combating by himself. At least in an upfront battle that was. 

"While it's widely known that the Rochester's are backing the White Skulls, it's been impossible to find any concrete proof." 

"Then how do you know?" Leonard questioned. 

"The White Skulls are fairly straight forward, everyone they target is someone the Rochester's deem undesirable." Arthur began. "A noble house opposes them in the senate, the White Skulls drown some of their members in the river, a business tries to claim some of their market, the CEO is found dead in his office. I don't know what your friend was thinking borrowing money from them, although I doubt he knew their depths, but it's only a matter of time before they find him. Or someone else close to him." 

Leonards mind couldn't help but turn to Anna, the young lady trying to make a business for herself. It was extremely evident that she was no fighter, the mere sight of aggression turned her into a trembling mess. If another group of thugs were sent to her cafe she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. When they couldn't wring anymore money out of her, they would simply take her captive in order to lure out her brother. 

No where in his memories did it mention this Anna Solace, or even that William had a sister. He couldn't help but assume the worst, that she simply didn't exist in the future. It did not form a good picture about the current situation, Leonard wasn't completely sure what to do. 

"I can see that this is something you'll try and figure out," his father spoke, reading the expressions on his face. "However make sure that you stay safe, if the White Skulls, and in turn the Rochester's, turn their eyes to you there is very little I can do. I would have to keep you locked away in the estate until you return to the Mech Corps." 

"I understand." Leonard answered, "I'll stay safe." 

"Good." Arthur nodded before turning to another matter. "Now no matter how good and well you may seem, Rupert has proposed and I have agreed that you will have to meet with the estate's in-house therapist. How long is up to her, either until she is satisfied or you return to service. This is not up for discussion, it's for your own good." 

He went to argue, but he couldn't really fault his father for thinking that way. Even though he knew he didn't need it, and his strange behaviour was only the result of his memories from the future, he still knew to an outsider he could look unstable. 

"When is our first meeting?" 

"Tomorrow morning," His father answered. "I spoke with Priscilla myself to get you in quickly, while I understand you may be hesitant she is the best of the best. She has helped me on many occasions, I am sure she can help you." 

With that said, Arthur stood up from his chair, looking much more calm than before their little meeting. 

"Come now, your mother has been cooking all day, let's not let it go to waste." 

Cassandria was off the couch again, the slow cooked roast timer she had going finally clicking off, and she got busy getting the sides prepared. She looked at the pair as they emerged from the office, a single eyebrow raised. 

"Are you two boys done with your little spat?" She asked amused, their previous tension all but gone letting her relax. 

"I told you dear, it was nothing." Arthur embarrassed his wife from behind as she busied herself with their dinner, placing a small kiss on the back of her neck. This elected a loud groan from Summer, who was sitting watching some drama in the attached lounge. 

"Get a room!" She lobbed a cushion at the pair that his father easily caught before disattaching himself from his wife and throwing it back with far greater force. "Ouch!" 

Leonard couldn't help but giggle at the scene. It had been a while since they had all gotten together, but the time hadn't lessened their bond in the slightest. 

"Leonard dear, give me a hand would you?" He had no reason to say no, instead going to work finishing out plates and silverware to set the table. "What did your father want to speak with you about?" 


"Hmm," his mother nodded. "You're just like your father you know."

"How so?" 

"Your terrible at lying." 

Leonard laughed uneasily, rubbing the back of his neck. "That bad huh?" 

"Hmm," she hummed in response, dropping the subject as quickly as she brought it up. 


Willam Solace ran through a damp and narrow alleyway, impacting its rough and hard wall with his shoulder as he rounded a corner with speed. His breath was ragged, the cold night air erupting with smoke as he harshly panted. 

A pair of darkly dressed men chased behind him, long blades in each of their hands. 

Willam had been on the run for days now, his once pristine Citadel University uniform now ripped and tattered, having been ambushed by a group of similarly dressed men as he walked home after his lessons. 

He knew this day would eventually come, so he had prepared as much as he could. He knew full well that he was an idiot borrowing money from an underworld gang, but at the time he couldn't think of anything else. Having lost their parents at a young age his sister was all he had left, running that shop was her dream, Willam wouldn't simply let it go under. 

But now he realised his shortsightedness, even if he managed to stay out of these masked mens grasp, his sister would not. He had been blinded by the short term gains that he didn't see the long term ramifications. All in all he was an idiot. 

However he had come to this realisation a couple weeks before, and had made a plan to get them out of harm's way. So long as he could lose his tail and reunite with his sister, he had secured tickets for them off the planet and out of the capital star system. 

The destination was a small unassuming planet on the fringes of Bastion territory, a place that they could live without fear. 

"Arrgh!" Willam screamed as one of the pair closing in behind him threw a small dagger into his back. He turned around, firing a couple rounds of his handgun into the dark alley behind him, causing the duo to jump for cover. 

Willam kept moving, shooting behind him constantly to keep the pair from following. He couldn't see them, their clothing mixing in with the darkness surrounding, however he knew they were somewhere in that direction. 

He rounded another corner before picking up into a sprint, the best he could anyways with a deep wound the dagger left behind after he ripped it out. 

There was a small door cracked open on the side of the narrow alleyway that Willam swung open before jumping inside pulling it shut behind him. 

He held his breath as he heard a pair of footsteps rush by outside, their gait not slowing before they passed by Willams hiding spot. He breathed a sigh of relief, they would notice he hid somewhere soon, but for now he was in the clear.