Chapter 19 – The Milf Hunter’s Instinct I

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The wound betrayed my expectations that it would heal over time and got worse.

Fiona… !

You tricked the innocent virgin pussy and made some vaginal cumshots, are you trying to kill people?

… To be honest, even if I died, I did something cheap.

If the wound had been a little deeper, he would have died.

However, he never regrets holding on to Fiona.

Even having sex with Verdia.


'I need antibiotics.'

A decent meal too.

The fever is boiling and I'm not crazy.

Where the hell did Master go? Leaving a disciple wandering between life and death…

When I had a premonition of my slowly approaching death, the smell of a woman came from the tip of my nose.

'It smells nice…'

"Are you okay? "

Are you an angel who came to meet me?

Looking closely, I saw a blonde, green-eyed nun looking down at me worriedly.

No matter how weak he was, he couldn't speak properly in the midst of being overwhelmed with emotions.

Then she cupped my hand with both hands and said as if to reassure me.

"I'll make it easy for you now."

It is a gentle voice, like caring for a child.

Sister put her hand on my chest and quietly chanted a spell.

"The benevolent goddess of light, Ilesia-sama…"

A group of soft light from the blonde sister's hand penetrated her body, and mysteriously, her energy surged.

It hurt so much… I'm fine now

"If I had known it was an emergency, I would have come sooner… I'm sorry."


"Vior called me. He will be back soon."

Master called this person.

I feel like I owed my life twice.

Ah, you shouldn't think dirty thoughts.

Watching her big breasts create enchanting curves and sway naturally with her movements…


"Where are you uncomfortable? I can help you."


I got an erection

My cock soared skyward, and I wasn't just pitching a tent, I was lifting my pants by myself.

The blonde sister averted her eyes in amazement.

"Well, that can't help! "

It's lovely to see you upset.

"Then tell me your name."

"My name is Elia."


Big breasts

It's not as good as Ariella, but it's on the level of Verdia…

I was happy to see a big mamma barrel.

"Are you all right? "

Elia sees me like that and she smiles softly.

Oh, I want to receive her goddaughter while touching the sister's breasts…

"The wound is all healed, but you can't overdo it today, okay? "

"Yes, Sister…"

Sister's voluptuous breasts made me a docile sheep.

The cock is as good as it should be, but it can't hurt the benefactor.

Lie down quietly and wait for Elia to speak.

"What's the patient's name? "

"It's Golden Sun."

"Wow, that's a nice name."

"Thank you."

She even gave me mental care with her breasts… What a good sister…

"I'm working at the church in front of here, so please stop by when you feel better."


Looking at Elia's breast, I nodded as if possessed.

She looked at my erect cock and dyed her cheeks red.

Because the cock doesn't sink… It's a big deal.

"This guy will do something alone."

"Yes, yes…!! I'm done with that…"

As if running away, she opened the door and left.


When did you fix it?

As if taking turns with Elia, Master enters.


"Do you sigh at Master's face you haven't seen in a long time? "

"It was good until a little while ago."

"Don't even think about touching a sister."


I thought he would explain the reason if I asked him, so I boldly asked back.

"Because the adventurers on these streets owe the church."

"What have you been up to? "

"It's nothing. I bought some time."

"Now that I am well, I will help."

He stared blankly at me in the rain.


"I have no money."

"Yes, I know.

Now there are only 4.5 potatoes left."

Not 4 or 5.

4.5 pieces.

"Because we brought in all the money we could spend, we don't even have money to buy food right now."


I asked stupidly.

"Then what? "

"Work and earn money."

"Work… I came under Master to become an assistant teacher."

"That's why, I don't have money to buy a woman to teach. You bastard. If you get one more mouth here, you'll have to starve tomorrow."


It was the moment when I realized that I had really fallen to the bottom.

"There is no place on the Street of Beasts to employ an old orc like me. Do whatever you do to make money.

Assistant is next! "

"All right."

Even if you don't like it, you can't help it.

How to start a business you need capital.

Neighborhood snack bars are also an unavoidable problem.

Think positively. At least you have a house to shelter from the rain, right?

Something suddenly flashed into my mind, so I rummaged through my pockets.

Six silver coins came out of the pocket.

"Master, wouldn't it be possible to buy something to eat right away with 6 silver coins? "

Vior's eyes widened.

"Where did you get that money from? "

"It was in my pocket. So…"

I'm embarrassed to say where this money comes from…

"I received a penny or two from the guards while solving the rumor about having sex with Verdia…"

"Six silver coins are enough for a week's worth of food, leave it to me."

"You don't have to worry about food for a while."

"There's no guarantee that you'll get a job, so you should spend as sparingly as possible."

I don't know what Master has been doing outside, but I'm sure he thinks of me like family.

I want to somehow return the favor I received.

And learn the art of making females your possessions!

"Then I'll go out and find some work."


I got dressed and went out into the street.

Looking carefully at the appearance of the passers-by, it was common to see sub-species resembling humans like Bior.

'If Master hadn't known that he was an orc, he would have been surprised.'

It seems that there are more fishmen with scaled skin and beastmen with animal ears and tails than humans.

It could be my misunderstanding, but it gave off an indescribable smell on the street.

'Beast smell. Should I say the smell of fur? '

I hadn't had a bath in a long time, so I wasn't in a position to talk about it.

'I want to wash.'

Being poor means everything is uncomfortable.

And the most touching discomfort in life appears when things that we always took for granted disappear.

There is no water to wash in the workshop, and there is no soft toilet paper.

People living a wealthy life always accounted for a small percentage of the total, so even the faces of non-humans showed fatigue from life.

'Damn it…'

It's like a gutter.

The sky is so blue and clear…

– There is a striking poster on the bulletin board.


As the monologue guided me, I turned my eyes to the job posting board in the middle of the street.

Bar part-time job…

– It smells like a delicious married woman.

Are you crazy?

I looked around to see if others could hear my voice.

'Ah, fuck…'

Is it a milf detector?

It's a shame, but this isn't the time to be messing around with a married woman.

You have to make money. Honest.

'Isn't it fine if I earn honestly? '

Shouldn't I touch it first?

I went to the tavern on the recruitment notice, 「Adrian's Scent」.

It looks like an ordinary pub, but it's quiet during the day.


"I came to see the bulletin board."

A bald man with hair on his arms looked me over and nodded her head.

"Then go back and change and come out. Start today."


What is it?

Once you follow the monologue, there is a strong feeling that you are following a major flow that cannot be reversed.

Should I say it feels like being led to an invisible path?

I don't feel bad about finding a part-time job 30 minutes after coming out on the street.

"Start with cleaning. We'll have guests coming soon."


"If you don't know anything, ask my wife."


"Oh, are you a newbie? "