Chapter 78 – Paying for Big Ass Milf Pussy III

Finally, Belita's maid visited the workshop.

When I opened the door and went out, the maid politely bowed her head, as if she had been properly instilled in her new hierarchy.

"Belita-sama told me to bring you."

"Cecil! It's work. Let's go."

"Yes, master!"

I entered the Grace Mansion with Cecil. By the way,

Unseen guards aim their spears at us.

'Oh, my God.'

"This is Kondel-sama's order. Trainee Taeyang Geum should step down immediately."

"It is an order not to set foot in this mansion."

The maid who came to pick me up was very embarrassed.

"I brought this person in the direction of Belita-sama."


I laughed out loud.

Condel is better than Cren. Doesn't it wriggle when you touch it?

It is an order that feels the resentment of her husband, who has been deprived of Belita.

Whatever her wife says, she'll kick me out.

What a delightful rebellion!


"The heads of the Grace family are Kondel and Belita. Which one?"

The guards were busy just noticing each other.

No one has an answer.

Belita said that, when it comes to raising a family, she takes a lot of credit for herself.

In other words, it is safe to say that the authority of the family head, Kondel, and the acting family head, Belita, is almost parallel.

Did Kondel raise soldiers with the intention of killing me?


Belita couldn't have allowed that.

I would have threatened him with a weapon and ordered him to run away.

If that's the case, there's no reason to be scared here.

"Get out of the way. If you don't block it, I won't hold you accountable."

"Condel-sama's order!"

Just when half of the guards chose to fight me, Cecile moved.

Just as a bowstring pulled with all its might releases an arrow!

Cecil slipped into the bosom of the guardsmen with spears before they even noticed, tripped the opponent, took the guards' spears, and broke them.

Seeing the three of them flow like water, the other guards dared not attack.

"Good work. Cecil."

"Escort mode!"

Cecil raised one of his legs and posed like a Chinese martial artist.

… He was slightly embarrassed.

He confidently walked down the path that Cecile had opened.

Kondel was there to greet me as if he had expected my visit.

"Hello, Mr. Condel."


Seeing the owner's angry face, the maid left her seat in a hurry.

"If you have any regrets, please come back."

"Mr. Condel, haven't we achieved our mutual goals?"

Condel frees himself from the tyranny of his wife,

I make a blonde colossal milf pussy slave.

I sincerely thought it was a win-win relationship. Too bad.

"To do something without permission. This is a breach of contract."

"My wife just became my new client and pussy slave."

"Even if you put up plausible words... Oh, I can't give you a wife!"

Hearing the commotion, Belita appeared.

"What's the matter?"

As if being so angry a moment ago was a lie, Condel is down.

This is the appearance of the true tyrant of this family, the high-nosed wife who kills male spirits with just her eyes.

Even though the power of the family head is half and half, the balance within the family has long since collapsed.

Belita was still holding on to the Kondel.

"Tell me what's going on."

"Joe, the teaching assistant came to visit again... I couldn't stand it!"

"Because I called."


"Why, is there a problem?"


"… Didn't you keep explaining that? Twice."

"Bell, Belita became a slave to her pussy! He even engraved his mark! How can you believe that?"

"So you showed me. Imprint."

Belita stroked her belly.

"That's a drawing!"

Condel begins to rant like a child.

Belita sighed.

Apparently, I was tired of repeating the same explanation over and over again.

'Honestly, it's not something that can be understood by listening to an explanation.'

I felt a little sympathy for Condel.

"I'll ask you directly. If I kick out the master, can you satisfy me?"

"… Satisfied… I can make it!"

"Master. Come here."

Belita calls me.

As if possessed, I approached her side.

Belita skillfully took out her cock and started jerking it with her hand.

"Ah, oh, oh!"

"Can you beat this cock?"

As soon as she saw Belita's mama barrel, her cock, which had already hardened, curled upward toward her ceiling.

Seeing my full 11-inch erect cock, Condel was speechless.

"I'll ask you again. Master's dignified cock. Can you win?"

"I am your husband."

"So? Then you want this man's life?"

Suk… Suk… Suk…

Belita is meticulously jerking my cock during a serious conversation!!

I let out a silent gasp at her. I put my arms around her bellita's waist and grabbed her mamma's barrel.

Artifacts. Jomuljomul♥

"This is the Grace family's consensus! You can't be a laughing stock for others. Wake up. Belita!"

"That's the problem."

Belita smiled seductively as she jerked my cock rapidly.

"The value of the owner's brand only rose briefly thanks to me.

She must continue to prove her ability."

"Yeah…!! I don't want to be a man who had his wife taken away by an insignificant trainer! Everyone would!"

"Pockets are great. My master."

"Ah… Ah… Belita…"

I grabbed Belita's mamma's barrel and swept it like pottery to receive her goddaughter.

"We have no choice but to prove that 「Milf Hunter」 is a brand worth trusting and investing in, right?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Master. Can I speak for you?"

"Ah. Ah… You can tell me..."

I don't know what to say instead, but I agreed anyway.

When Belita gets her hands on her, it feels like her soul has been pawned.

How can you put up with the goddaughter that Mrs. Lee treats you to?

"Master was originally Verdia-nim's slave."

"Char… Mrs. Chartreuse's!?"

"How about making Verdia-sama a customer of MILF Hunter?"

"Belita! You know that can't be possible. The Chartreuse family is one of the four families that rule the city of beasts by order of the emperor!"

"I fell in love with my master's prince, too, but is Verdia-sama different?"

"…Ohh. Belita… Belitaa…"

I like to sleep… ! Please do it faster… !

Belita grinned at me as I pushed her back, and she began to move his cock faster.

"What if we give Master a little boost? You?"


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