Chapter 167 – Audience With the Emperor – 1

The morning of determination dawned.

Today is Ariella Raven, my woman!



Cecile's soft flesh—not even a single strand of thread—was carried on my chest.

After having sex all day, I fell asleep while connected to Cecil.

After storing it in Cecil's closet all night and going back and forth between erection and half-erection with breathing, she fell asleep comfortably.

Superb bonding!

I pushed my cock into Cecil's cunt, which was shaped just like mine.

That alone seemed cheap.

I wrapped my arms around Cecile's waist, who was asleep with a baby breast placed on my chest, and hugged her tightly, gently shaking her waist.

"Uh… Uh…"

I saw Cecil's lovely face, barely awake.

Kissing her on the forehead, he thrusts her cunt without permission.

Cecile opened her eyes and smiled at me as her pussy was eaten.

"Good morning, brother Taeyang."


I squirted my semen inside Cecil's cunt.

Beautiful! Beautiful!

Morning with cream pie!

The morning of resolution... I thought it was bright!

"Do you like my pussy? Master."

Cecile clung to my body and squeezed my cock tightly.

Ah… !

Beautiful! Look out!

Pouring thick semen from the morning into Cecil's pussy...

Sex as it is.

She placed Cecil on top and shook her waist.

"Cecile, Cecil…!"


Someone say

It is said that what prevents us from moving forward is neither pain nor trials, but comfort.

Even thinking about attacking Ariella is more than a dizzying conundrum.

Time to squeeze semen while leaning against Cecil's cunt, who was close to me and treated me for sex.


Can you make it?

Why am I slapping Cecil's cunt in Raven's Castle?

Even while questioning, he was defeated by Cecil's tight pussy...

All the thick semen was poured out.

Cecile, whose affinity for her had pierced the ceiling and flew to space, continued to cling to me even after she came out.

It's not that I don't like it. It's not that I hate it.

"Ehehe, it's nice to walk with you."

"Uh, yes. I like it too."

Even if Cecile pressed her soft nipple against my body, my body would lose strength, and my cock would twitch.

No words could come out of my mouth.

When we cling to each other like a couple and go to the restaurant...


I think I made a mistake.

I was only exposed to Ariella's cold gaze along with the chanting of a monologue condemning my complacency.

"Brother, Aang."

"Uh, yes… Ah…"

What is this?

I didn't intend to direct a chicken couple for Ariella, who lost her husband.

I really need to say something.


"Brother, it's in your mouth."

Cecile touched my lips with her lips.



"Hehe. I took it off. Yum."


I can't bear it. I can't bear it.

What kind of guy could say that?

Rather, I kneaded Cecile's heartache and obeyed her desire.

I thought that was the natural behavior of a man with a cock.


Ariella left much earlier than usual.

Eh, I don't know!

She returns to the room, and she has sex with Cecil again.


"Cecil, your pussy is perfect!"

"Are you going to see me again with a perverted cock? Huh?"


I must relieve all this stuffiness in Cecil's pussy.

Even if you know it's wrong, you can't stop teasing your back.

I hugged Cecile, who accepted me, and shook her waist, making her pussy pop.

Creeping, squeaking, squeaking!

"Ah, ah… Ah… I'm happy. Oppa…!"

Even though she's thinking about another woman and fucking her pussy,.

Cecil gave me a tight hug.

Leaning on that kindness, every time I cummed inside without a countermeasure, a poison-like pleasure piled up in my chest.

It feels great when you're escaping from reality.

After the fight, a bitterness that cannot be expressed in words fills the heart.

Cecil did not want to separate from me, and neither did I.

Another day passed like that.


I ran into Ariella by chance, escaping from the room while Cecil was asleep.

Why is Ariella here?

"Miss Ariella."


Ariella's voice was very cold.

"Now, isn't that enough?"


"The Raven family is the eyes of the Emperor. It's difficult even if you stay here."

It meant doing it in moderation.

My heart ached.

The time I've spent so far has definitely been fulfilling.

I couldn't move forward because I was satisfied.

Cecile's pussy is there; why would I...

My heartache…

Maybe it just looks bigger because I can't get it.

Annoyance and laziness soon took over my head.

Just as a fox sees uneatable grapes and curses them as sour grapes, hostility towards Ariella blooms.

"Are you kicking out the benefactor who saved your life?"


"You owe me your life."

I spat out whatever came out of my mouth and regretted it.


I couldn't look straight into her eyes.

Ariella turns her back and leaves.

Are you qualified and certified?

The country and the people have not changed.

No matter where and how you take it apart and attach it, nothing compares to a woman like Ariella.

A charm that can appeal only in bed means nothing if you can't bring a woman to bed.


It was only when I came to this castle, not the street, that I felt despair.

After returning to the room, Cecil cautiously approached me, as if I felt something out of the ordinary.

"Brother, what's wrong?"


"What happened?"

I'm sorry. Golden sun.

She lived her life raw, always leaning on her mother's disgruntled pussy.

… There's nothing you can do in front of a girl you really like.

I pulled Cecile into my arms as she stared at me.


"Sorry, I was just a little agitated."

Cecil gently brushed my hair.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"


From now on, let me be alone.

With that said, It starts…


Because of Cecile's heartache, because of her pretty face...

I fall into the thought, 'Isn't the feeling toward Ariella eventually this much?'

There were also practical difficulties.

At least, if you can see even a little light...


"Who do you think is coming?"

A nobleman came to visit.

Noble… ?

"I'll open it. Cecil is wearing clothes."

An unexpected guest has arrived.

The princess of blood relatives, Seina.

She, the princess, came to visit me in combat mode—a gas mask and a full-body latex suit.

No way!

"Geum Taeyang."

"Should I leave the room?"


Seina tilts her head.

"Or not. What are you doing?"

"Please prepare to leave. His Majesty is calling."


This time, I asked again.

"You have been credited with capturing the disintegrator."



You meet the emperor of this country.

I knew that such a day would come someday, but it was so sudden that my heart trembled.

"Your Majesty… Are you a scary person?"


Uh… ?

Seina, you seem to be smiling a little now.

I'm not sure because I'm wearing a gas mask.

"My mother… She is a good person."

Hearing Seina's kind voice, her tension was relieved.

"I will prepare and leave with Cecile."

"No one except those who have been called can enter the imperial palace. If that doesn't matter,

"Because he's my assistant. I'll go with him even halfway."

"I'll be waiting outside."

Light was seen.

Let's seduce Ariella by using her interest in the collapser.

If Ga-yeon's recruit could be transferred to His Majesty, it couldn't be better.

Can Ariella ignore me, who has the support of Rirke and can give instructions to Ga-yeon?


You can do it.

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind.

"Cecil, let's go to the imperial palace!"

"Wow. Oppa, are you called by His Majesty? That's great!"

"What are you talking about, even though you're from another world?"

"It's such an honor to be called by the greatest person in any country!"

"That's right, unless you're being dragged away for a crime."

I just hope it's not like that.

After getting ready to leave, we went to the waiting carriage outside.

"Are you going by dragon carriage?"

I'm familiar with it because I've ridden it a few times, but it felt strange that I, who wasn't the owner of the castle, rode out of the Raven Castle on a dragon carriage.

The moment I thought so and looked inside... I was just frozen.

Our Raven Castle's Ice Queen was sitting with her chin resting on her face with an uncomfortable expression.

"Cecile, get on first."

"Who is it? Ah. It's Ariella-sama. Hello!"


Ariella was silently greeted by Cecile.

It was good that he had brought Cecile.

It would have been difficult to endure the awkwardness if it was just the two of them, as they had had an uncomfortable conversation a while ago.

It was as if Ariella didn't want to mix a word with me.


Coming to Raven's Castle, I feel like I'm closest to her, and I've been stuck with her for a long time.

"Please leave."

I heard the voice of Seina riding a horse outside.

The dragon carriage moves little by little.

I stared at Ariella's profile instead of at her breasts.

"Why, do you?"

Judging by the fact that he cut it off in 'Why', it seems that he was very dissatisfied with me staring at him from the other side.

"Has Ariella been called too?"

"Because I introduced you."


"It's a natural procedure. Please don't give meaning to it."


Like that… You don't have to nail each one.

At that time, Cecile gently held my hand and leaned it on my shoulder.

Cecil's tail stroked my back.

… Cecil.

Did Cecil realize that I was weighed down by Ariella's high-handed aura?

I thought she might be in the way a while ago, but she is comforting like this.

I have no choice but to keep my heart strong.

Are you okay?

I see Ariella's struggling future in my arms.

Curiously, when she was imagining it with the person in front of her, her mind eased.

Ariella's breasts are the best in the world!

One to two hours.

She entrusted herself to the slowly moving dragon carriage.

In the center of the city, in addition to the Magneta Center, there was a detached palace presumed to be where Her Majesty resided.

The dragon carriage stopped, and Seina's voice was heard.

"We have arrived, Miss Ariella."

Ariella raised her back.


"…Oh. Oh, oh…"


Ariella sighed and covered her breasts with her arms.

What about her eyes going, yeah?

Cecile and I followed her and got off.

Ariella and Seina walked straight to the villa, perhaps accustomed to being called by the emperor.

It is a truly gorgeous palace.

However, the surroundings of the palace were very quiet, as if it were not where His Majesty usually resided.

"The audience room is this way. Cecilia-sama, please follow me. I will guide you to the waiting room."


After breaking up with Cecil, he chases after Ariella.

"Don't answer questions you haven't asked."

"All right."

"Even if His Majesty speaks lightly, you shouldn't be swept away by it and treat it like a friend."


Lightly… ?

How long has Ariella been warning you?

No one would treat His Majesty like a friend unless he went crazy.

Two male guards, skinny as skeletons, opened the door to the audience room.



There was a staircase at the end of the road that was as shiny as if it were covered with gold, and on that staircase, instead of a throne, there was a bed wrapped in a veil.

There… His Majesty, the Emperor, was lying down.

"Your Majesty. This is Ariella."

The silhouette of the Empress moves.

I was only lying on my side, but I could tell for sure that I was in good shape.

A narrow waist and a heartache that cannot be defeated by Cecil

It is hard to think of a person who has lived close to a thousand years.

"Come closer, both of you."

The female emperor, Shihyeon, opened her mouth.

The voice is beautiful.

I shouldn't have thought like this, but I wondered if the young woman pretending to be the emperor was playing a joke.

It was because it smelled like a girl rather than dignified.

'… A sissy emperor is better than a mad tyrant.'

"Are you Golden Sun?"

"Yes, I am the Golden Sun. Your Majesty."

"I'm an alien who crossed the gate."

"Yes, he is a foreigner who came through an unobserved gate in Chartreuse's castle. Regarding the recent commotion in Devil's Town,

"For a moment."

The Empress Dowager raised her hand to interrupt Ariella's words.

"I have something to check first."

Ariella lowered her head and took a few steps back.

His Majesty the Emperor himself spoke of her to me. ?

"Hey, let's ask one question. Answer me honestly."

"Yes, Emperor Peha."

"Are you from Korea?"

… Aren't you Chinese!?

The name Sihyeon is, of course, a Korean name!

I was frozen by the unimaginable development.

People from all over the world are transferring, so it wouldn't be strange if there was another case like mine, but...

No way, His Majesty the Emperor!

"Answer me."

"Yes, I am Korean."


Ariella tilted her head behind her.

Don't rejoice yet. Calm down, Golden Sun...

The other person's name is Shihyeon, but his nationality has not been revealed. Suddenly Japanese, no… It could be someone from a completely unrelated country!

"I thought a Korean might come someday, but it's been a thousand years. I'm really glad."


I felt the adrenaline rush.

I can't hide my joy, and I feel like I'm going to laugh like a madman.

I can't believe the emperor is from the same country as me in this difficult situation!

Seeing Koreans in a different world who are nice to meet even in a faraway place!

I had no doubt that the emperor would share the same joy with me.

I had a deep connection with the emperor I had never seen before, and this was great news that would bring a tailwind to Ariella's capture.

At that time...

"Wow. Are you really... All you want to do is have sex."

I thought my heart would sink.

Think… Read…?

Ariella's complexion turned blue.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I will kick this man out immediately."

"It's okay. A healthy man can do that."

I sang the national anthem in my mind.

'Don't get caught!'

Empress Sihyeon laughed as if she were having fun.

"Ariela is charming."