Pretty Cheerleader, Be Mine

"Mister MVP," Lina said as she faced Kai. 

Kai chuckled and shook his head. "MVP?" 

"Yeah," Lina smiled. "You got the most points this game once again. 28 points in total." 

Kai scratched the back of his neck. He didn't think he had scored that much. In the past two games, he was the best scorer on their team, and he felt he was getting closer to his goal of being part of the Elite Five. 

"It's crazy!" Lina exclaimed. "Your rebounds and assists are really good, too." 

Kai smiled and looked at his teammates, who were all busy packing up. 

"I wouldn't have done it without them," he muttered. 

The crowd, still feeling the excitement of the game, couldn't leave their seats even when the game was already over. 

The office workers who only went because of excess tickets being sold at the front of the court felt like they got more than what they bargained for.