ch9: side character deserve death

In the underground fighting arena, Zen sat cross-legged in front of the giant egg-shaped rock. His eyes were closed, seemingly lost in deep thought or perhaps even asleep.

"Crack, crack." The cracking sounds filled the air, and Zen's eyes snapped open as the layered shell of the rock began to splinter at an astonishing pace.

"It seems like the chicken is ready to hatch," Zen murmured to himself as he stood up, sword in hand. The eggshell continued to fracture, revealing the silhouette of a colossal rock monster.tatto of code AGAU05252 carved on his neck triangle.

Its eyes were hollow with unnaturally constricted pupils, and every cell of its body had solidified into hard rock. What was even more terrifying was that the creature's presence seemed to influence the rocks around it, bending them to its will.

"Boy, I'll admit you're strong; you forced me to use my gene power. But by doing so, you've signed your own death warrant. This fight will only end when you die. The fear I sensed in you when I laid my hand on your chest will only be satisfied with the splintered fragments of your skull," the rock monster declared, directing his gene power at Zen.

Middle grade gene attributes

"Pebble shower"

A barrage of pointed rocks showered down on Zen. With no gene power of his own, Zen could only swing his sword in multiple directions, employing every move he had learned since childhood. His sword moved like a spinning chakra, effortlessly shattering the stones into dust.

After a minute of ceaseless attacks, Zen's silhouette vanished into a cloud of dust, stunning the audience. The dust cloud expanded and covered the entire stadium.

"Ah, hey manager, make this dirt stop, or you'll be footing the bill for my makeup," the lady light force complained to the restaurant manager.

The restaurant manager sighed, "I'm sorry for my incompetence, but there's nothing we can do to stop it."

"What a useless man you are. I swear, how did you even end up with two children? Fine, I'll handle it myself," she grumbled and snapped her fingers. A gust of wind collected the dust, forming a solid ball.

"Hey, finally, the dust is clearing. Look, that boy is still standing," an observer in the audience noted.

Inside the battleground, Zen was huffing and coughing, blood oozing from holes in his body, inflicted by fragments of stone. His clothes were torn from various spots, and his body bore the marks of a brutal struggle. However, the battle was far from over.

"Bang!" Zen's skull met a giant rock fist, and he was sent rolling meters away.

"This is totally inhuman; I can't bear to watch," an audience member exclaimed, their anger escalating.

The lady light force 's subconscious anger began to emanate from her body. The restaurant manager hurriedly blocked her path, urging restraint. "Please, control yourself. I understand your anger, but Miss instructed that the match should not be stopped."

With support from his sword, Zen managed to stand up, coughing up blood and removing stone fragments embedded in his skin. His eyes remained fixed on Buster, unfazed by the pain. Once he removed the last stone, he inhaled deeply and exhaled through his nose.

"Now it's time," he muttered to himself. Zen suddenly sprinted and leaped, bewildering the audience.

"Haha, it looks like he accidentally damaged his brain. Now he's gone manic," Buster sneered, having concluded that Zen had lost his wits from the repeated blows to his head.

People in the audience were laughing, but the lady light force 's face was etched with worry. "What's happening to him, manager? Don't stop me now," she pleaded.

A gust of wind energy surged from her body, but the restaurant manager stood firm. "Please, control yourself. Miss's instructions are clear, no matter what happens, the match must not be stopped."

Zen continued his erratic behavior, but in reality, he was executing a well-thought-out strategy. He ran in patterns that appeared confusing to the spectators.

"Hey, finally, the dust is disappearing. Look, the boy is still standing," an audience member remarked.

Zen's face was covered in blood, his eyes swollen and one eye's orbital muscles severely damaged. Despite his painful appearance, he continued with determination.

Zen began to run in what seemed like random patterns. Then he abruptly stopped and jumped, confounding the audience.

"Ha, sorry, everyone, but it seems like he accidentally damaged his brain. Now he's gone completely insane," Buster chuckled, believing Zen had lost his sanity from the repeated blows to his head.

Zen, undeterred by the mockery, carried on. With his sword, he vibrated at a high frequency, taking on a surreal appearance. Buster noticed the distinct change in Zen's body.

Zen's eyes dilated as adrenaline surged through his veins. Even in a resting state, his muscles contracted and relaxed rhythmically. His veins bulged, increasing the blood flow to his muscles.

"Is this some kind of transformation? But how is it possible without gene activation?" Buster wondered, shocked by the change in Zen's body.

Zen gripped his sword and ran, but this time it was different. He moved at an incredibly fast speed. Zen's silhouette appeared and disappeared within the battleground, leaving the audience astounded.

" Look, rock head idiot . This what I gain after eighteen year endless tormenting training.hard work never wasted,i surpass the limits of ordinary person ,I am the Herculess of thia era"

Buster, who was used to easily handling any adversary, was frustrated. He couldn't keep up with Zen's newfound speed. Zen's movements were a blur, beyond Buster's ability to react.

Zen sprinted and slid under Buster's guard. He slashed at Buster's back, but the blow only left a small scratch on his rock-like skin.

"Huh, so you've become faster. But it's useless. With your strength, all you can do is cause a slight itch," Buster taunted, failing to catch Zen, who attacked and retreated with incredible agility.

Zen relentlessly pressed the assault, attacking and retreating, targeting Buster's chest area with determination. Despite Buster's taunts, Zen waited for the right moments, striking with lightning speed, leaving only minor cuts on Buster's body.

Clear,Frustration began to build on face of zen .he conquer the limits of humanity but now in Front of gene user all his might only leaving small scratch on his body.

Buster's taunts turned to frustration. He couldn't understand how Zen was moving so quickly. Zen's eye began to shrink slightly, indicating signs of exhaustion.

"How can I defeat him?" Zen asked himself while continuing his relentless attacks.

Zens eyes glow,finally realized something, a new strategy. He adjusted his plan and aimed at Zen's chest. Zen had been waiting for this opportunity and struck a thrusting slash.

"What kind of transformation is this?" the restaurant manager questioned.

The lady light force explained, "This isn't gene power; he's pushing himself beyond his limits. It's like an athlete compared to an average person.

An average person can do ten to fifteen pull-ups, but an athlete can easily do forty to fifty .And then there are those who are on an entirely different level. Person who can do more hundreds pull ups in their sleep . They are people poured all their life to relentless training and overcoming own limits .

In world gene power dependent era this kind moster rare and legendry same time.

Zen is pushing his body to the absolute extreme, but it's akin to suicide.what crazy mental control over his fight and flight hormones.But he going beyond physically limitations, i afraid if this continues his all blood vessels burst into pieces ."

Zen continued his relentless assault, striking and retreating, but his energy was dwindling. His clothes were tattered, and he was now wounded in multiple places.

"Ah, what happened? Why does it hurt all of a sudden?" Buster suddenly felt intense pain in his chest.

"Crack, crash," the

layer of rock covering the scar from Zen's sword began to crumble. Zen smiled, realizing the scar was deep enough to expose Buster's beating heart.

Zen was poised to seize this opportunity, but he suddenly felt an excruciating pain that defied description. He couldn't move. His entire body was locked in place.

"Should I cry or laugh? Should I enjoy or curse this pain? If I take a single step or move an inch, I'll die. My tendons are barely holding by a thread, my bones are on the verge of breaking into pieces, and if my heart rate increases by a single beat, it will burst my vessels. But at least my brain is intact. Even in this state, I can think about the danger. It seems I might die before my story even begins," Zen contemplated, unable to move.

The audience grew concerned as they observed Zen's immobile state. Buster, taking advantage of Zen's vulnerability, prepared to crush Zen's skull with his giant hand.

"Boy,what I hate most is this feeling of fear,

" Buster suddenly began to speak, a far-off look in his eyes. "This feeling reminds me of my drunken father who beat me every night after drinking.

Every night, I prayed that he wouldn't return home, but God was silent. He came home every day to torment me. But then, that one day, God finally heard my prayer. My father died from a heart attack.

That night, I slept without fear, and it was the first night I made a promise to myself. I swore that I would slaughter anyone who made me feel fear. And since that day, I have never felt fear again, because every time someone made me feel fear, God took care of them."

Zen's immobile form continued to stand, and Buster's grip tightened around his skull.

"But here you are, daring to make me feel that same fear again. Every swing of your sword reminds me of my father. How could you be so cruel?" Buster's voice quivered as he became increasingly agitated.

"I'm going to pray to God to make you disappear."

The audience watched in shock as Buster broke down, his eyes filled with fear and anger. His face contorted with insanity as he began to cry and shout, resembling a maniac.

"Kill him, you idiot! Why are you talking to him? I can't even bear to watch anymore," one man in the audience shouted. "I'm such an idiot for betting my entire fortune on a psycho."

Buster snapped back to reality, noticing the digital board displaying the betting money. It fueled his determination to kill Zen.

"Thank you for the money. Now it's time to say goodbye," Buster declared, advancing on Zen to end the match.

As Buster prepared to deliver the final blow, he felt something cold pierce through his heart. It was a long black sword in the hands of the boy, Zen. Zen had emerged victorious, but at a heavy cost. His every orifice bled, and his body was battered.

"It seems I've transcended, only to face my death before my story truly begins. Is because i am side character only deserve death " Zen last zen bleeding body gasped his last breath after that become still water .

The announcement resounded throughout the stadium, ending the match.

"The match is over, and the winner is the boy named Zen."

***THE END***