chapter 28 : more about academy

Certainly, here's the revised version with added adverbs and adjectives:

Finally, the lecture ended, and many eager students emerged from the class. Some chose to roam and experience the vast academy, while others, like Zen, eagerly ventured into the training ground.

Zen observed the bustling activity of Alex with Mary towards the advanced floor. "Forget the feeling; maybe some people are destined to remain single throughout their lives."

Not long ago, after losing one girl, here was another heroine in the protagonist's warm embrace. Just now, the heroine met the hero in the academy. I know the same story, where the heroine is relentlessly targeted by bullies, and the courageous protagonist saves her. They become inexplicably close; turmoil is bound to unfold. Just don't get on my nerves."

As Zen, who had no choice, went to the rampage forest to collect wood for the smith tower, a plump girl boldly approached him. "So, what have you decided? Don't you want to go on a date with me?" She tightly grabbed Zen's weathered hand, but he couldn't escape her determined grip.

"Here's another headache," Zen glanced towards the chubby face and flinched harder.

"Ouch, ouch, what are you doing?" the girl retorted.

"We can discuss a date another time; now I have some punishment to follow. Or do you also want to come with me to collect wood?" Zen replied.

The girl, with chubby cuteness, persistently tried to convince Zen, "No, no, I thought we could become girlfriend and boyfriend, hang out, and enjoy some delicious food."

"Yes, we can after I finish my punishment," Zen said with a hint of exasperation.

Maybe Zen was the first person feeling oddly content about his punishment. "Now, in exchange for cutting a few thousand wood, he doesn't need to attend lectures and encounter unnecessary headaches."

After ten minutes of aimless wandering, he realized the academy was vast, and he needed urgent help.

"Indeed, this place is massive. If I randomly search for Smith Tower, I'll never find it. I need someone's assistance," Zen thought.

Just then, a reassuring voice chimed in, "Are you lost, seeking a map and information? Why fear when Nerdy is here?" A peculiar posse guy in oversized glasses with a nerdy demeanor introduced himself.

"Hello, I am Nerdy. Pleased to meet you. I'm not stalking you; I just thought you were new, so I came to provide any essential information you may require,"

Zen scrutinized Nerdy and noticed something subtly suspicious. After he left class, he keenly sensed someone following him, but it surprised him that the nerdy guy who was sitting in the first row turned out to be his savior.

"Is that so? The academy is indeed vast. My priority is to find the direction to Smith Tower, and you can provide additional information. I'd be genuinely grateful," Zen replied.

Nerdy eagerly retrieved a thick book, the "Royal Academy Guide," containing rules, information on staff members, and detailed maps of the academy. Zen was intrigued but preferred a swift overview.

"Yes, I can highlight critical details and guide you to Smith Tower," Nerdy explained earnestly. He then suggested utilizing a magical tool or a beast for swifter travel.

"I appreciate the information, my friend, but I prefer using my car," Zen said, confidently patting his shoulder. Then he exchanged one merit point through the wristwatch on his wrist.

After Zen left...

Zen made his way to the parking area, unaware of Nerdy's true nature.

"Hump, just one merit point. Does he think I'm a beggar? What a waste of my time."

In the underground parking area, Zen stumbled upon two senior boys ruthlessly vandalizing his car.

Two senior boys, armed with rods, were mercilessly smashing Zen's car.

"Break that decrepit piece of junk into smithereens! How dare he park in the boss's space?" one of them exclaimed. The windshield shattered, and the back glass fragmented into pieces. Not satisfied, they proceeded to mercilessly damage the car's bonnet and sheet. Both goons abruptly halted their destructive spree upon noticing Zen's presence.

"Stop, someone's here," one of them shouted. The other scoffed,

"So what? Who are we afraid of? It's just an ordinary boy. Hey punk, why are you standing there? Come here and take that rod to help us vandalize this car." Already seething with anger,

Zen retorted, "Of course, senior." He confidently stepped forward, deftly grabbing the rod from one of the goons, and swung it with formidable force. Something shattered, but it wasn't the car's shield.

Small white stones scattered on the floor, mingled with red paint splattered from the damaged rod.

"Hey, you crazy punk, what are you doing? Don't you know who we are? Do you want to die?" the other goon warned, witnessing his friend's face covered in blood.

"I know precisely what I'm doing. But you fools failed to realize it's my car, and you're ordering it to break its own hand.

"So, you're the fool who parked the car in the boss's place. Punk, you're dead!" Before he could finish his words, Zen swiftly swung the rod again, shattering the other goon's skull. He didn't give them any time to react, knowing they possessed much greater strength than him with their awakened powers.

"Now the question is, what do I do? Both are unconscious but not for long. Soon, their innate powers will begin to mend their injuries. Should I end their lives? And what about the boss? Forget it; I'm already running late. The inevitable future cannot be avoided. It appears there's also a presence of a student gang here, something I was unaware of.

What is happening in this academy? Everything except proper education seems to be transpiring here." Swiftly, Zen settled into his car, started the engine, and hastily sped away, leaving behind the two unconscious bodies.

Following the map's precise directions, finally, after hours of navigating through winding mountain paths, he reached his ultimate destination.

Just another tower, Smith Tower, or Black Tower renowned for its unparalleled uniqueness.

According to the book provided by Nerdy.

Similar to the other tower, Smith Tower was owned by one of his stepmoms.

Zen accelerated his car.

"No, no, I am not becoming excited to see my another top-notch stepmom's beauty.

The reason for his restlessness was that she was a renowned figure throughout the state of Eutopia because of her unique identity.

a renowned youngest eight-star weapons refiner and Vice Head of the War Craft Union.

Moreover, Zen himself had learned the basics of weapon refining from a book authored by the same person."

Finally, Zen anxiously awaited as the colossal tower, built atop the magma of a dormant volcanic mountain, came into view.

Each floor of the tower was guarded by an even greater number of soldiers than Wisdom Tower.

At the tower's pinnacle, a statue of a black dragon spewed forth an inexhaustible torrent of black flames.