ch 55 part 1 : inside shadow RELAM

Inside the shadow realm

a menacingly laser muzzle ominously hovered over the professor's prone body, slowly melting and melding with one another to coalesce into a menacingly long laser cannon.

Tentacle-like wires emerged from the gaping hole of the war machine, sinuously extracting green energy fluid from the lifeless husk of the monstrous corpus.

"Heh, finally it's ready. Now, it's time to turn everything into a frozen berg. Against my cannon blast, struggle is futile. What a bunch of command-layer warriors, even the translator-layer warriors can't resist turning into ice corpus," he exclaimed.

With his triumphant yell, the virulent green liquid began to boil along with the ice at the war machine's rear. Frozen crystal fluid mingled with the green substance, causing a potent chemical reaction to erupt into a condensed blue flame energy, accumulating at the muzzle point of the cannon.