Episode 5: Level Up

Episode 5: Level Up

Kilr held his breath as he hid inside the bloody locker, he was sure his hand had entered someone's gut.

Sniff!! Sniff!!

He pulled back quietly, making no noise as the gym coach zombie sniffed the locker for such a long time he thought he would die from the pressure. Even with the system he doubted he could win in a fight against it so he stayed put.

Somehow his slacker gene had overpowered his thrill seeking gene.

Another notification popped up.



After seeing the level he rolled his eyes and sighed.

"The f**k am I fighting that!" He told himself.

Kilr waited over thirty minutes before he kicked open the locker and jumped out, he had spent most of his time sleeping in there. He heaved a sigh of relief as he found his bag and stuff still intact.


He wanted to leave the school but to do that he would need to get stronger only then would he be able to go home to Nerissa his little sister. "Damnit!" He cursed under his breath as he kicked the wall in annoyance.



"What!?" He swerved around to see the disgusting little green men with pointy ears speaking gibberish and pointing their rusty daggers at him.

"Shit!! Did I zone out again?"

A normal person would have run in this situation but his body was pulsating again. A heavy smell filled his lungs and he charged forward. The goblins met him with a forward dash as he swatted them away with his backpack.


His bag connected with one of their heads as he smashed it against the wall sending colours of red and yellow flying. Seeing this sight jeered him up to try again but he soon found out how nimble goblins were.


"Argh!!" He screamed out in pain as he kicked the goblin away from him and smashed its head on the wall. He pulled out the dagger from his leg and with eyes flashing with rage he turned to face the last goblin.

The third had kept a clean distance from him eyeing him with it's huge pale yellowish eyes. It's was Kilr's first time holding a dagger between his hands but he had handled knives fine so he doubted there would be a difference. The third goblin charged forward abruptly, luckily goblins were dumb. Or so he thought!

"‽"Kilr jerked back avoiding the goblins fast swoop, he dove down with the dagger pointing forward.


"Haha", he chuckled. "Not bad for a slacker, eh?"

Kilr was right, zombies were not the only threat so it was safe for him to assume that aside from zombies and goblins there might have been even more threats. A thought dawned on him that the world might really be ending, all the more reason to find his sister.





Kilr frowned.

Though he did not expect to get such low points yet he was disheartened. He went around looking for more goblins but found none. After a while an idea came to mind and he searched stealthily everywhere till he found a zombie alone in the music class.

Click!! Click!!

He walked in and shut the door behind him alerting the zombie of his presence. Kilr immediately identified the zombie to be Marcus, one of those guys that tried to get him to play an instrument.

Kilr did not really like him so that made it a bit easier for him. He raised the dagger he had looted from the goblin and steeled himself in a defensive stance, his eyes alligned with his resolve.




Marcus slammed into him despite his attempt to throw him off. Kilr had thought he was stronger but he was wrong. As zombie Marcus jumped on him he stabbed the dagger into his neck sending green and red blood gushing down on his jacket.

"S**t, why is this guy so damn strong?! Isn't he just a low level zombie?"

Marcus' pale eyes and whitened face forced itself down on him, it took all his strength to keep him up. His heart thumped hard against his ribcage not because of fear but due to the fact that he might have bitten off more than he could chew. To think he would be killed by an upper class music nerd!

Thich saliva drooped down on his neck, it was warm and sticky like mucus.

Kilr panicked and stretched out his hand which caught a violin bow resting on its chord instrument. In one clean stab he made the zombie shriek violently. More blood came spewing down on him.

Kilr turned the bow in it's eye socket and locked it there. He waited till it stopped moving.



<30 exp has been recieved>

<"Double Gain" doubles exp gain from every zombie kill>


"You have got to be kidding me!" He muttered as he pushed the zombie dead body off him.


<"Double Gain" is in effect>

<60 exp has been recieved>


Kilr sat up straight as his face beamed with excitement.




Kilr did not bother much about that, he was sure he wasn't the only gaming genius in school. But he still coveted first.

He initiated his status window.



Kilr could not suppress a frown.



Then a smile beamed on his face.



"First zombies? Now this?"

"Where did this world come from?"