Episode 10: Took You Long Enough

Episode 10: Took You Long Enough

Kilr gasped out in shock as the zombie bit down hard on his flashy belt buckle. Knowing that he would be done for if it went further down, he raised his knees high like he had always seen in movies and closed his thighs on her neck.

The zombie struggled against him with every strength it had left, he could feel his stamina dwindling and with every ounce of energy he could muster her thrust his leg forward and smashed her head against the floor.

There was a loud crack then the sound of gushing of blood.

Kilr heaved a sigh of relief.



Instead of bringing him relief the notification brought him dread.

The notification did not show when he killed the first zombie which meant…

"Are you f**king kidding me‽" He cried as he tried to look for the zombie he had impaled in the eye earlier but he could not find it. His mind drifted to Narci and he contemplated on whether or not to save her but imminently decided to save her since her skills might prove further useful later.

But how was he going to save her!

In his moment of victory he had lost sight of female zombie one who suddenly appeared right above him. "S**t!"

The zombie was even cuter than the last but that wasn't what he should be noticing. The female zombies shirt had been half torn to reveal a her peach coloured bra bouncing in his face.

"What am I now, a pervert?"

He could not stand since the strawberry panty zombie had die on his legs, Narci was in trouble too. He stretched his hand forward and grabbed his rusty dagger from the strawberry panty thigh and stabbed the other female zombie in her eye socket and locked it well this time.

Without a time to waste he pushed her off him and threw his knife at the janitor zombie. At the same time the first zombie he had killed appeared above just inches from his face, his eyes grew wide with shock as rows of caramel coloured teeth painted red dove down for his face.

Everything went by so fast!

The dagger lodged into the ear of the janitor zombie killing it, blood sprayed on Narci's face bringing her back to life. She assessed the situation as quickly as she could and sprang forward, in one clean cut she beheaded the first zombie before it could take a bite at him.

Kilr almost fainted from the near death experience.

"Took you long enough!"

Narci's said nothing and merely looked disappointed in herself.


<360 exp had been recieved>


Kilr kicked the zombies off him and proceeded to access them to see what he could gain.



Kilr hissed in succession.




Kilr tapped it with shaking hands.



Kilr gulped down knowing he would regret his action.



Kilr banged his head against the wall and cried silently.

"But I don't wanna!" He cried silently. "Gym coach zombie is so stong and I so wanna slack off right now!"

Narci Black approached him and he immediately wiped his tears and acted like everything was fine. "Um, I'm am so sorry!" Kilr stared at her with a calm gaze. "I know I failed you, you could have died back then. I am a dumb arrogant girl!"

"Does she think I'm crying because of her?" Kilr thought. "How low does she think I am?"

Kilr clapped his hand repeatedly and did one of those dump cheerleader cheers he used to hate. "C-H-E-E-R-U-P! Cheer up! Cheer up! You can't be down!"

He knew it sounded awkward but at least she laughed.

"Thanks!" She sniffled. "If the world wasn't ending perhaps you would have made it as a terrible cheerleader!"

Kilr Rombot, the number one slacker in Rising Star Academy ran his hand down his hair and said. "C'mon already you're a swordman and a cheerleader, that's like a win-win on my team!" He tucked his hand in his bloody jacket and walked over the zombie corpses and to the door.

The warm evening light came through the windows and lit the entrance as Kilr walked out with his back to her. She felt a majestic sense to follow him, even if he was a slacker he carried a much stronger resolve to live on than she did. Narci wanted that, to know the will that kept him moving forward at such a hard time so she ran after him.

"Wait up!"

"Where are you going?"

"The fencing room, duh!" Kilr replied rudely.

"Why?" She asked.

"Do I have to spell it out?" He huffed out. "You're are going to need a sword aren't you? That is if you wanna live long!"

She screamed out. "I wanna pee!"

"No!" He yelled back.

"I wanna, I wanna, I wanna!" She cried.

"Shut it you dumbass before you call the other zombies!" He heaved a deep sigh.

And that was the beginning of a very bothersome duo