Episode 17: Shop

Episode 17: Shop

Kilr glanced over to Dexter's dead body and fell on his knees. The throbbing in his spine was gone leaving him more drained than ever before. His head spun wildly like a rollercoaster set on max speed.

"I did it?" He asked himself with denial in his voice. "I really did it!"



<300 exo has been recieved>

<600 exp has been recieved>



Kilr would have smiled but his body was to weak to. He did just take a beating that even the best of school bullies could not give.



Kilr stared at the screen with scorn.

"Why do I feel like I have been duped?"

Another notification came up.



Another notification popped up.




Kilr initiated the system and found a shop icon flashing back at him. He knew what he needed was a good sword so he looked it up. His own sword's durability was almost spent, it was a miracle it help up till then.



Kilr tapped the zombie slayer not because the name sounded catchy but because it felt like something that would be really good for killing zombies.



"Explains why it's cheap! Guess no one wants it! If I start showing signs of zombification I could just throw it away!"



Kilr nodded proudly to himself.



"Yes!" He ordered.



Kilr was done being weak. He initiated the shop and scrolled through till he found something worth his time.





Kilr turned back to find Narci and Sofia staring at him with fear in their eyes. It was clear that they had seen what he had done to the 'White Bone Zombie' and we're still shaken. Kilr was feeling a lot better and wanted to do this now.

"Goodbye!" He boomed as he rose to his feet and strode over to the door. They could hardly grasp what he was saying, "You guys are holding me back!"

Narci wanted to call out his name but she knew his words were true, that's why they cut real deep. Yet she expected him to wait and come back to her but he never did!

As Kilr reached for the door handle a notification flashed before his eyes.



Kilr opened the door and embraced the zombies there with his sword.

"Let them come!"