Episode 26: Black Thread

Episode 26: Black Thread

Kilr jumped out from the bed with a bit too much vigour and somehow ended up kissing the floor hard. He rolled.to his feet and ran to the bathroom, a while kster he was dressed in his favorite vest and heading down the stairs to the kitchen.

The wooden stairs freaked against his socked feet. He had the words "EAT ME" on his chest.

"Momma! Momma!" He yelped as he stopped before the kitchen to find his mother standing there with her pink and white poker dot apron and her hair ties with a rubber band. She had her back to him the whole time. "Mom--ma?" He whined.

She said nothing and continued with her cooking.

Kilr ticketed his head to his side and waited for his mother to turn but she never did.

"Is momma mad at me?" His puffy cheeks game him a cute look to his face.