Episode 39: Battle At The 100th Floor

Episode 39: Battle At The 100th Floor

The demon lord ascended from his throne and chuckled. "Very well."

"Blood art! Mace of a Thousand Tears!"

Streams of blood flow out and from a huge circular mace that looked alive. The demon lord wasted no time and charged forward, Kilr raced to meet him with a spark in his eyes.

Their two weapons clashed against each other, their arms rippling with muscles.

The demon lord wore a surprised look on his face.

Kilr smiled and said. "Well, what do you know! I'm kind of strong too!"

The demon king threw his head forward and head but Kilr sending him cutting through the air. Kilr steeled his legs to the ground treating a trail of asphalt burns smoking off the ground.

"Kuuk!" He grunted.


