Episode 43: Hero × Swordsman

Episode 43: Hero × Swordsman

Narci covered up Kilr's lifeless corpse with his jacket and laid him to rest. She placed the rusty dagger he had first given her on the corpse and walked out of the room. On her way out, she came upon a fresh face.

"I just can not believe he died!" Said the hooded figure in a strong masculine voice.

Narci aimed her sword at him and immediately collapsed from the pressure he exuded.

She coughed incessantly. "So, who the hell are you?"

The figure stopped his pressure and lent her a hand which she refused. "I am sorry about that; we are still working it out!"

The person turned to go.

"Kilr was my buddy! I refuse to stand by and let injustice continue! I am going to defeat the boss myself!"

He pushed aside the hood, revealing his lovely face.

"My name is Ryod. Ryod Dutchman!!"