Episode 48: Everyone Ready

Episode 48: Everyone Ready

The group led by the top three reached the door to the final obstacle to clearing the first scenario. On top of the door said the sign, 'PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE'.

Ryod stared at the door with all determination ready to face whatever lay at the other side. Everything he had been through had been leading to this moment, all the decisions he had made, all the prices he had payed.

Narci rested her hand on the sword strapped by her side. "To think it was right here all along! Who know if breaking into the principal's office is still a school violation."

Ryod scoffed back at her.

Victor Krone pushed his glasses back into his face and spoke in a proud tone. "Oh my! The brimming lights of justice illuminates so bright my eyes flicker at the sight of it. As we prepare to face our greatest for yet we are clad in our own belief tied together by a common goal."