Episode 58: The Lord Of Death Finally Appears

Episode 58: The Lord Of Death Finally Appears

Approximately 2 days, 20 hrs, 04 min and 10 seconds since the start of the first scenario. The students of Rising Star Academy were overwhelmed at the shock they received from the onset, questions like what was happening. Will someone come for them. What is the outside world like. All these questions had sprung up.

The number of students who passed the preliminary setup were half the number of those that participated in it. Though the origin of the system and scenario was unknown, they had to adapt.

Choices were made! Actions were taken! The feeling of never seeing their families again pushed them to the breaking point.

As the end of the first scenario drew nearer the candidates all fought with their all in the mysterious dimension rift against an army of the undead or in more common terms- zombies.