Episode 60: The Secret Of The First Scenario Revealed

Episode 60: The Secret Of The First Scenario Revealed

Sniper Zombie, Warlock Zombie, Shadow Zombie. The dimension! The Zombie Lord.

Everyone of these obstacles far exceeded every one of their stats, even his strong summons had a tough time winning their fights. This all led to Kilr believing he had unearthed the secret of the first scenarios.

Kilr looked up at the dark sky and sighed heavily. "F**k!"

He had to agree that he was the strongest person in the school. And even that was by accident. If he neglected that factor then no one would be able to clear the first scenario which meant…

"The first scenario was never meant to be cleared!" He let the words hang in the air filled the others there with dread.

Duke shook his head. "Hey! What's all that about?"