Episode 62: Strategy

Episode 62: Strategy

"Mhh?" Narci squinted her eyes open.

She could see the pitch black sky being stirred by a collection of ash clouds. She felt the earth beneath her with her hands, it was warm. Her breathing was shallow and weak, it was clear she was still regaining her strength.

"Kilr?" Her words came out hoarse and dry.

Four figures stood over her, she recognized them to be her recent team.

"How are we… alive?" She asked.

Bryce pulled her to her feet and she was instantly immersed by the view before her.

There they stood at the peak of a flat mountain top portraying a view that would have been breathtaking if not for the number of zombies she could see ahead.

"How did we get up here?" Narci asked.

Bryce replied. "I'm thinking he brought us up here. He woke me with a bottle of HP potion and I woke healed you all."