Episode 64: Battle Ready

Episode 64: Battle Ready

Kilr stood atop the flat mountain peak and looked down at the endless wave of zombies. He drew in a deep breath and let it hang there for a moment, the feeling that he was about to make the biggest decision in his life.

"To think I was just an ordinary highschool kid just a few days ago." He said to the person that approached him from behind.

"Kilr, we're ready!" Narci boomed.

Kilr craned his head back and spoke firmly. "Then let's begin the final fight."

Narci turned to leave but waited for a moment.

"Is there anything you have left to say?" Kilr asked.

Narci bit her lower lip in agitation.

"Be careful out there Kilr?"

Kilr responded with an almost empty response. "You should be more concerned with your own safety, Katana!"