Episode 75: The Battle Of The Death Lords

Episode 75: The Battle Of The Death Lords

Kilr slashed the zombie lord over the shoulder but he avoided it with ease, "Zombies advance!"

The zombies flocked in on the zombie lord from all sides in great number all slaves to Kilr's power.

"You then my own children against me?" The zombie lord frowned. "Very well then, as a father I must discipline my children."

Kilr maintained a good distance unsure of what the zombie lord would pull next, his hands clutched tight to his twin daggers. "Eye of Revealing Light!!"

A strong black explosion reduced the zombies surrounding the zombie lord to ashes, a crooked horn now appeared on the zombie lord's head.

"First Transformation. Death Bringer!" The zombie lord shot forward with an incredible boost in speed.

Kilr grunted loudly as he engaged in a close combat high tension battle. He struggled to keep up with the zombie lord's speed.