Episode 82: Crawl

Episode 82: Crawl

Narci's eyes flickered for a moment.

"It's that weird form again!"

Ryod gritted his teeth. "What is he doing? I'm starting to have a bad feeling!"

But they both knew, once Kilr set his mind to something there was no stopping him.

Mathayas put one hand tied behind his back. "I will end this, with one finger. Now come at mortal!"

Kilr tore through the air like a firing missile at lightspeed closing the gap in as little as a second, he sends a strong kick at the oracle. "BING!"


The survivors of the schools were lost for words as the sky above them crackled open with the rumbling sound of thunder.

Kilr was the most surprised of all, "What?!" His strong kick had been stopped with one finger. "Just one measly finger."