Episode 94: Sharing A Long Conversation

Episode 94: Sharing A Long Conversation


"Ahhh!!" Narci screamed as she pushed herself up sharply, throwing the blanket off her upper body. Her mind rushed with the images of the night before but the most recurrent being those of Zombie Kilr continually biting down at her.

It felt more like a nightmare than reality but it was real, it would be delusional to think it wasn't.


Her nose tingled as it became filled with the thick aroma of a scrumptious meal, her mouth watered in accordance and her stomach drumming the drums of liberation.

"Hrmm, what is that heavenly smell?" She thought.

Narci noticed she was wearing a new set of clothing comprised of a cream coloured top and a black skirt. If she recalled the events of the previous night perfectly, she had passed out from all the fatigue and injuries she had suffered. And she was soaked with the cold rain.